Prof.Marco Meleti
General information
Address: Viale dei Mille 140, 43125 – Parma (Italy) Telephone: +393428772068 - +390521906723
University webpage: Citizenship: Italian
Date of birth: 07/12/1977
Gender Male
Education and Training
1991-1996. Diploma di Maturità Scientifica (Liceo Scientifico “Leonardo da Vinci”, Maglie, Lecce, Italy) 1996-2002. Dental Degree (University of Parma, Italy). Vote: 110/110 cum laude
2002. Advanced Program "Dental management of patients with systemic diseases” (University of Milan, Italy)
2003. Advanced Program "Oral Pathology and Medicine (Univeristy of Florence, Italy)
2006. Internship in Oral Medicine at the Department of Oral Medicine (University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco (United States))
2004-2008: Ph.D. in Oral Sciences - Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Oral Pathology - Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum - Thesis: “Pigmented lesions of the oral and head and neck mucosa including malignant melanoma” (Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
2012: Diploma in Oral Medicine issued from the European Association of Oral Medicine (EAOM)
2014: National academic qualification for Associate Professor in "Scienze Odontostomatologiche" (Oral Sciences - 06/F1 - MED/28)
2018. National academic qualification for Full Professor in "Scienze Odontostomatologiche" (Oral Sciences - 06/F1 - MED/28)
Academic Career
2010 – 2014: Post-doc position (University of Parma, Italy)
2015 – 2017: Assistant Professor (University of Parma, Italy)
2017 – 2020: Tenured-track Assistant Professor (University of Parma, Italy) 2020 – to date: Associate Professor (University of Parma, Italy)
Research activities
Marco Meleti research activities include the use of saliva for early diagnosis of oral and systemic diseases, the early diagnosis of oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer, the pathogenesis of oral cancer, the new technologies in oral surgery.
Ongoing researches
1. Principal Investigator. “Comparative evaluation of the metabolic profile of whole saliva, parotid saliva and submandibular saliva in healthy subjects: pilot study”
2. Coordinator of Research Unit. “Nutriepigenomic pilot study on prevention of breast and ovarian cancers in women with high familial risk and germline mutation of BRCA1 and 2 genes – Analysis of blood and saliva”
3. Coordinator of Research Unit. “Progression from normal oral mucosa and epithelial dysplastic lesions to squamous cell carcinoma: a metabolic profiling study through HR-MAS NMR – Analysis of tissue and saliva”
4. Coordinator of Research Unit: “Autofluorescennce analysis of the oral mucosa for early diagnosis of oral cancer”
5. “Ex-vivo study of autofluorescence of non-melanoma skin cancer”
Scientific production
As to January 2021, the scientific production of Professor Marco Meleti, resulted in the publication of
230 papers, 80 of which on international peer-reviewed journals with impact-factor (PubMed indexed) and 151 on national journals. Furthermore, is author and co-author of several books of oral medicine and oral surgery.
Number of citations: 1604 (
h-index: 23 (
Grants and Research funding
- Competitive announcement for grants of the University of Parma - 558/32083 – Local Fund for the academic research (Euro 5.929)
- Competitive announcement of “Lega Italiana per La Lotta ai Tumori “Nutriepigenomic pilot study on prevention of breast and ovarian cancer in women with high familial risk and germline mutation of BRCA1 and 2 genes – Analysis of blood and saliva”. Euro 80.000
Honours and awards
- Honorary Member of the Hellenic Association of Oral Medicine and Pathology 09/04/2011 - Honorary Member of the Greek Association of Oral Medicine
- Honorary Member of the Romanian Society of Oral Medicine
- Best poster for the session “Laser in odontostomatologia”, Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria 2014, Rome;
- Honorable mention for posters in the session “Laser in odontostomatologia”, Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria 2014, Rome;
- Best poster for the session “Esperienze di prevenzione di ONJ e/o follow-up”, Osteonecrosi da bifosfonati e altri farmaci: prevenzione, diagnosi, farmacovigilanza e trattamento – Uptade 2014, Alessandria;
- Best research in oral surgery; Congresso nazionale Società Italiana di Chirurgia Orale - SIDCO 2014, Turin;
- Best poster in the session “Chirurgia odontostomatologica”, Collegio dei Docenti 2015, Milan;
- Honorable mention for posters, XIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana Patologia e Medicina Orale - SIPMO 2015, Bologna;
- Best poster for the session “Chirurgia odontostomatologica”, Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria 2016, Rome;
- Honorable mention for posters in the session “Chirurgia Odontostomatologica”, Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria 2017, Milan;
- Honorable mention for poster in the session “Patologia e Medicina Orale”, Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria 2019, Naples;
- Best oral communication, XV Congresso Nazionale e III Cogresso Internazionale della Società Italiana Patologia e Medicina Orale - SIPMO 2019, Bari;
- Second best (ex aequo) position for “Premio Margiotta” (Best italian Thesis in the field of oral medicine and pathology, XV Congresso Nazionale e III Cogresso Internazionale della Società Italiana Patologia e Medicina Orale - SIPMO 2019, Bari;
Scientific memberships
European Academy of Oral Medicine (EAOM) - Currently Board Member International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO)
World Federation for Laser in Dentistry (WFLD)
Scandinavian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine (SFOPOM)
Societa ̀ Italiana di Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale (SIOCMF) Societa ̀ Italiana di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica (SIDCO)
Societa ̀ Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia (SILO) – Currently Board Member Societa ̀ Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale (SIPMO)
Professor Marco Meleti is
- Regional Representative of Region 4 (Mediterranean region: Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Malta) of the European Association of Oral Medicine
- General Secretary of the European Association of Oral Medicine (2010 – 2014).
- Chairman of the Global Oral Cancer Forum (WHO) for Western Europe (2015).
Organization of Scientific Events
Chairman and/or member of the organizing committee of 12 national and international meetings.
Invited speaker
Invited speaker at 75 national and international meetings.
Peer-reviewing activity
Professor Meleti serves as peer reviewer for the following international journals in the oral sciences field: Oral Oncology, Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Oral Diseases, Journal of Periodontology, Medicina Oral, Cirurgia Bucal y Patologia Bucal, Cancer, Journal of Prosthodontics, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, Minerva Stomatologica, Dental Cadmos, Gerodontology, Clinical Oral Investigations.
Professor Meleti serves as pee-reviewer for the following international journals in the medical field:
Cytokine, Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, Asian Journal of Research in Surgery, International Research Journal of Oncology, Netherlands Journal of Medicine, Molecular and Clinical Oncology, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, European Journal of Pharmacology.
Editorial activity
- Frontiers in Oral Health – Oral Cancers: Review Editor (2020);
- Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal: Associate Editor (2019) - Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry: Associate Editor (2019) - American Journal of Oral Medicine: Editorial Board (2018)
- Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine: Editorial Board (2017)
- Journal of Dentistry Indonesia: Invited International Editor (2015)