Department Publications
1. T.N.Uma Maheswari, G. Maragathavalli and N.Gnanasundaram Odontome in Maxilla. Biomedicine 2008;28(3):234-235.
2. Uma Maheswari Thirupambaram Natarajasundaram, Maragathavalli Gopal and Gnanasundaram Nachimuthu: Paramedian bilateral lip pits with sinuses ( Van der Woude syndrome) JIAOMR September 2008/volume 20/Issue3.
3. T.N. Uma Maheswari , N.Gnanasundaram, G. Maragathavalli— Multiple Odontogenic cysts in jaws- a diagnostic tool for Gorlin goltz syndrome. Biomedicine; 2010, 30(2):256-259.
4. Sangeetha G.S.,Gnanasundaram N,Maragathavalli G—Prevalence and Different varieties of Type V lip prints. Anil Aggrawal’s Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology-2013; vol14 ( Jan- June 2013).
5. N.M.Praveena, G.Maragathavalli.. Osteosarcoma of maxilla; JIAOMR JULY- SEPTEMBER 2012; 24(3):239-241.
6. Sathya Ranjan Mishra, Pavitra Sathyakumar, G. Maragathavalli, Varun Rastogi—Facial Plexiform Neurofibroma in a 13- year- old Girl with Neufofibromatosis-1.. JIAOMR 2012
7. SR Misra, G.Maragathavalli, Vineet Daniel Alex, S.Mishra— Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma of the Jaws: A series of two rare cases. JIAOMR 2012 24(1);78-82.
8. Mogit Gupta Y,Rajorshi,G.N,Uma Maheswari T.N.; Arvind M and Maragathavalli G.— Intra oral Verrucous xanthoma: A rare case report. Biomedicine:2013;33(2):287-289.
9. RG Panigrahi, A. Panigrahi, Poornimavijayakumar, G.Maragathavalli Hutchinson- Gilford Progeria Syndrome: Hindawi publishing corporation- 2013.
10. SR Misra, M.Gopal, N. Mohanty, V Rastogi—Nasoalveolar cyst: an enigma for dentist. BMJ Case reports 2015.
11. GS Sangeetha,C. Ganesh, G.Maragathavalli— Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma—A case report… International Journal Of Medical and Applied Sciences . 2015 volume 4,Suppl 1.
12. GS Sangeetha, C. Ganesh, G. Maragathavalli— Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A case report…. International Journal Of Medical and Applied Sciences..2015 Volume 4, Issue 3..
13. Anjali Saigal, Maragathavalli Gopal, Neeta Mohanty and Satya Ranjan Misra: Recurrent Osteomyelitis of the mandible in Osteoporosis: A common complication of an uncommon disease.BMJ case report 2015.
14. Priyadarshini Choudhury, Rajat G. Panigrahi, Maragathavalli etall…. Vanishing Roots: First case report of Idiopathic Multiple Cervico-Apical External Root Resorption… Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research—2015 Mar Volume—9(3):
15. SR Patil, N.Yadav, IA AI-Zoubi, G. Maragathavalli etal: Comparative study of the efficacy of newer antioxidants Lycopene and Oxitard in the treatment of Oral Submucous fibrosis: Pesquisa brasileria em odontopediatria e clinical integrada 20: 2018.
16. SR Patil,G. Maragathavalli ,K.Araki, IA AI-Zoubi etal: Three-rooted mandibular First molars in SaudiArabian population: A CBCT study: PBOCI 2018 (1) 4133.
17. SR Misra, P.Baskaran , G. Maragathavalli ,R.Mithra, NM Praveena: Ameloblastic fibro- Odontoma: A case report. IJSS; 2015
18. M.Jeevitha, S.Jayakeerthana, G. Maragathavalli: Assessment of Periodontal Status in patients with Temperomandibular Disorders— Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research.. 2021
19. C.Ganesh, N. Gnanasundaram, G. Maragathavalli, T. N. Uma Maheswari Prevalence of Dental Caries in Different Grades of Dental Fluorosis in Salem and Dharmapuri Districts Aged 15 to17 Years..JIAOMR,2013
20. P.Sangeetha, G. Maragathavalli: Ultrasonographic characterisation of jaw swellings- A systematic review—IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical science 2014..
21. SRMisra, YU Shankar, V Rastogi,G.Maragathavalli—Metastatic hepatocellur Carcinoma in the maxilla and mandible- An extremely rare presentation: Contemporary clinical dentistry- 2015
22. SR Patil, G.Maragathavalli, D.Ramesh, S.Vargheese etal— Assessment of maximum bite force in Oral Submucous fibrosis patients: A preliminary study.PBOCI- 2020
23. S Dharman, N. Gnanasundaram, Maragathavalli Gopal, A. Muthukrishnan Phenotypic differences in teeth dimensions among Chennai population: An aid in sex determination—2015.
24. RR Veerappan, Maragathavalli Gopal— Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of CBCT and Conventional CT in detecting degenerative Osseous changes of the TMJ: A systematic review: 2015
25. SR Patil, G. Maragathavalli, MG Sghaireen IA AI- Zoubi , S.Vargheese—Maximum Bite Force in Complete Denture Wearing Patients: A Preliminary Study: International Medical Journal -2019.
26. MS Shah, S Dharman, Maragathavalli Gopal: Assessment Of Missing Posterior Teeth In TMD Patients— A Retrospective Study.. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health- 2020.
27. SR Misra, G. Maragathavalli— Wegener’s Granulomatosis Presenting as a Diffuse Palatal Swelling, a Rare Presentation: Case report.. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development-2019.
28. SR Misra, P Baskaran , G. Maragathavalli: Ulcerated oral Lichen planus of the lower lip, common disease with the uncommon presentation: A case series—Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care- 2020.
29. G. Maragathavalli, M. Chaudhary: Radiographic Analysis of Osseous Changes In Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma—European Journal Of Molecular and Clinical Medicine-2020.
30. VS Subramanian, G. Maragathavalli—Association of third molar eruption and frictional keratosis- a retrospective study: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government- 2020.
31. Praveena NM, Maragathavalli G. Carcinoma of the Maxillary Antrum: A Case Report. Cureus. 2018 May;10(5).
32. Dharman S, Maragathavalli G, Shanmugasundaram K, Shanmugam RK. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Curcumin/Turmeric for the Prevention and Amelioration of Radiotherapy/Radiochemotherapy Induced Oral Mucositis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP. 2021 Jun;22(6):1671.
33. Sreedevi Dharman, Maragathavalli, Rajeshkumar, Karpagavalli Shanmugasundaram. Eco-friendly Synthesis, Characterisation and Antibacterial Activity Of Curcumin Mediated Silver Nanoparticles. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science. 2021;08(04):2314-2318.
34. Mogit Gupta Y, Uma Maheswari T.N. and Maragathavalli G.—Unusual
Adenoid cystic Carcinoma in Palate with peripheral extension- A case report. Biomedicine: 2015;35(1):112-115.
35. Patil SR, Maragathavalli G, Ramesh DN, Al-Zoubi IA, Rajendran R, Alam MK. The Role of Antioxidants and Natural Agents in the Management of Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Systematic Review. International Medical Journal. 2020 Apr 1;27(2).
36. Patil SR, Maragathavalli G, Ramesh DN, Munishekar MS, Rao KA, Alam MK. Comparative Efficacy of Newer Antioxidants Spirulina and Oxitard for the Treatment of Oral Submucous Fibrosis. International Medical Journal. 2019 Apr 1;26(2).
37. Patil SR, Maragathavalli G, Ramesh DN, Rao KA, Bandela V, Alam MK. Role of Ultrasonography in Evaluation of Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients: A Systematic Review. International Medical Journal. 2021 Apr 1;28(2).
38. Patil SR, Maragathavalli G, Ramesh DN, Agrawal R, Khandelwal S, Hattori T, Suzuki K, Nagasawa M, Sugita Y, Maeda H, Alam MK. Assessment of Maximum Bite Force in Pre-Treatment and Post Treatment Patients of Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Prospective Clinical Study. Journal of Hard Tissue Biology. 2021;30(2):211-6.
39. Patil SR, Maragathavalli G, Ramesh DN, Munisekhar MS, Rao KA, Alam MK. A Summary of Common and Significant Adverse Effects of Drugs in Oral Region. International Medical Journal. 2019 Jun 1;26(3).
40. Tejasvi MA, Maragathavalli G, Putcha UK, Ramakrishna M, Vijayaraghavan R, Avinash CA. Impact of ERCC1 gene polymorphisms on response to cisplatin based therapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2020 Oct 1;63(4):538.
41. Tejasvi MA, Maragathavalli G, Kumar PU, Ramakrishna M, Raghavan V, Ck AA. Impact of ERCC2 Gene Polymorphisms on OSCC Susceptibility and Clinical Characteristics. Global Medical Genetics. 2020 Dec;7(04):121-7.
42. SHAH MS, KAREEM N, GOPAL M. quantification of operculectomy procedures performed using laser versus surgical method-an institutional based study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2021 Jan;13(1).
43. SHAH MS, SUBRAMANIAN AK, GOPAL M. Assessment of prevalence and gender distribution of hypodontia in maxillary dentition. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. 2020 Dec 6;26(2):372-8.
44. KV Swathi and G Maragathavalli. Effect of oil pulling in plaque induced gingivitis-A review. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2018; 9(5):375-378.
45. K.V.Swathi and G. Maragathavalli. Erosive Oral Lichen Planus- A Case Report. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(6): 3007-11. DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00508.0.
46. K.V.Swathi and G.Maragathavalli. Cephalometric assessment of width of pharyngeal airway and its correlation with skeletal occlusion- A Retrospective Study. J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. 2019; 11(6): 2263-2266.
47. K.V.Swathi and G.Maragathavalli. A Review on the dental management of specially abled patients with a systematic approach towards the dental management of patients with cardiovascular disorders- An Evidence Based Decision Tree Analysis. Research J. Pharm. And Tech. 2019; 12(4): 3214-18. DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00540.
48. Swathi KV and Maragathavalli G. A nomogram to predict the malignant transformation risk of OPMDs using chair side diagnostic aids and histopathological examination. IJBPAS. 2020; 9(10):2748-2756.
49. Swathi KV and Maragathavalli G. Morphometric analysis of mandibular angle and coronoid process in gender determination – A retrospective interdisciplinary study. IJBPAS. 2020; 9(10):2757-2765.
50. K.V.Swathi and G.Maragathavalli. Myoepithelioma of the hard palate- A Case Report. Drug Invention Today. 2020; 14(2):130-134.
51. K.V.Swathi and G.Maragathavalli. Variation of dermatoglyphic pattern among smoking and smokeless tobacco in oral potentially malignant disorders. IJFMT. 2020; 14(3):361-65.
52. K.V.Swathi and G.Maragathavalli. Achondroplasia: A form of disproportionate dwarfism- A Case Report. Indian J Dent Res 2020; 5:794-8.
53. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Applications of 3D printing in dentistry–a review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2019 May 1;11(5):1670-5.
54. Abarna Jawahar, G Maragathavalli, Knowledge on Applications of 3D Printing in Dentistry among Dental Practitioners-A KAP Survey, Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2021, 9 (2): 205-210.
55. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Analysis of Condylar Morphological Variations Using Digital Panoramic Radiographs-A Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2019 Nov 1;10(11).
56. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Assessment of Dental Caries Status Using Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment (Cast) Index. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2019 Nov 1;10(11).
57. Abarna Jawahar, G Maragathavalli, Audio Tactile Performance Technique as an Effective Method in Improving the Oral Hygiene Status of the Visually Impaired Population in Comparison with Braille: A Systematic Review, Journal of Research inMedical and Dental Science, 2021, 9 (2): 314-320.
58. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Clinical practice guidelines for management of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology. 2020 Nov 28;17(7):872-80.
59. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Audiovisual Modelling - An Efficient Method ForReducing Anxiety In Children Undergoing Digital Panoramic Radiograph [Internet]. Vol. 12, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2020. Available from:
60. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Frank’s Sign As A Clinical Marker Of Coronary Artery Disease Among Dental Patients. April-June 2020 Vol. 12, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.
61. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Evaluation of Patients Reporting with Burning Sensation and Non-Specific Clinical Findings to Department of Oral Medicine. Jan-March 2021 Vol.13, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.
62. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G. Candidiasis Associated with Steroid Therapy in Oral Lichen Planus Patients Visiting A Private Dental Institution. Jan-March 2021 Vol.13,International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.
63. Abarna Jawahar, G. Maragathavalli, Manjari Chaudhary. Evaluation Of Clinical Presentation Of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma In A Private Dental Institution. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science. 2019; S4:02:0013:69-74.
64. Jawahar A, Maragathavalli G, Chaudhary M. Prevalence of salivary gland disease in patients visiting a private dental college. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine.;7(01):2020.
65. Maragathavalli G, Chaudhary M. Radiographic analysis of osseous changes in oral squamous cell carcinoma. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2020 Nov 23;7(1):1751-61.
66. Abarna Jawahar, G. Maragathavalli. Cleidocranial Dysostosis - A Case Report. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science. 2021;8(8):3705-3709
67. Abarna Jawahar, G.Maragathavalli. Maxillary Sinus Pathologies In Orthopantomography. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science. 2021;8(8):3738-3742
68. Jawahar A, Gopal M. Analysis of genial tubercle anatomy using cone beam computed tomography - a retrospective study from Chennai, India. Journal ofEvolution of Medical and Dental Science 2021;10(38):3333-3337, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2021/676
69. Indra G, Maragathavalli G Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice about Sugar Substitutes and Oral Disorders, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2021, 9 (2): 321-329.
70. Indra G, Maragathavalli G, Incidental Findings in Orthodontic Patients Studied Using 2 Dimensional Images, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2021, 9 (2): 330-335.
71. Indra G, Maragathavalli G, TN Uma Maheswari, Complete Blood Count as a Pathological Diagnostic Marker in Oral Precancerous Lesions and Conditions, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2021, 9 (2): 269-272.
72. Indra G, Maragathavalli G, Rajeshkumar S. Preparation Of Mouthwash Using Triphala Aqua - Ethanolic Extract - A Comparative Study On Antimicrobial And Cytotoxic Effects. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(8):3648-3651.
73. Gopi I, Maragathavalli G, Uma Maheshwari TN. Efficacy of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation over systemic pharmacotherapy in the management of temporomandibular joint disorders – A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2021;33:321-7.
74. Gopi I, Muthukrishnan A, Maragathavalli G. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of temporomandibular joint disorders – a review. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(33):2809-2815.
75. Dr. Indra G, Dr. Maragathavalli G, “Comparison of radio density between cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and multi slice computed tomography (MSCT) scan – an in vitro study”, IJDSIR- June - 2021, Vol. – 4, Issue - 3, P. No. 33 – 40.
76. Indra G, Maragathavalli G, & Deepika Rajendran. (2020). Analysis of various treatment modalities of herpetic lesions. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(SPL3), 1830-1836.
77. Indra G, Maragathavalli G, & Deepika Rajendran. (2020). Analysis of Panoramic Images of Orthodontic Patients. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(SPL3), 1750-1754.
78. Indra G, Maragathavalli G, & Deepika Rajendran. (2020). Complete Blood Count as a Diagnostic Marker in Oral Lichen Planus. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(SPL3), 1766-1771.
79. Patil SR, Maragathavalli G, Ramesh DNSV, Naidu GS, Alam MK, AlZoubi IA. The Reliability of a New Device for Measuring the Maximum Bite Force. Biomed Res Int. 2022 Jan 13;2022:3272958. doi: 10.1155/2022/3272958. PMID: 35071592; PMCID: PMC8776449.
A rare case of calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor. J Res Med Den Sci, [cited March 10, 2015]; Online First: 09 Mar, 2015.
Prevalence of Oral Lichen Planus in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2013;25(4):261-264
Prevalence and Different Varieties of Type V lip prints, Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology [serial online], 2013; Vol. 14, No. 1 (Jan - June 2013).
Contributor in a Text book titled Oral Medicine : Exam preparatory Manual for Undergraduates by Ramesh Tatapudi and Manjunath K, Elsevier publication 2013
Contributor in a Text book titled Oral Radiology: Exam preparatory Manual for Undergraduates by Ramesh Tatapudi and Manjunath K, Elsevier publication 2013
Intra Oral Verrucuous Xanthoma A rare case report, Biomedicine 2013 33(2): 287-9. (Indexed in Scopus and Elsevier Indian citation index, ISSN: 0970-2067)
Evidence levels of parafunctional habits as prominent etiology in facial arthromyalgia: a systematic review, e-Journal of Dentistry Apr - Jun 2013 Vol 3 Issue 2.
Biopsychosocial model for effective pain management in temporomandibular disorders, e-Journal of Dentistry Oct - Dec 2012 Vol 2 Issue 4.
Orofacial tuberculosis – a series of seven cases from Chennai, India, Oral Diseases, 18: 34–48 (2012).
Idiopathic orofacial granulomatosis in a young patient: A rare entity, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology : JOMFP. 2012; 16(3):432-434.
Arecoline and copper in Etiopathogenesis of Oral submucous fibrosis, Journal of Oral Sign 2012, Volume: 4, Issue: 1 15 – 20.
Levels of Different Oral Candidiasis in HIV /AIDS-A Systematic Review, Journal of Oral Sign 2012; Vol 4(1):10-14.
An international survey of oral medicine practice: proceedings from the 5th World Workshop in Oral Medicine, Oral Dis. 2011 Apr;17 Suppl 1:99-104
Curcumin in the treatment of oral submucous fibrosis, Oral diseases 16(6) 553.
Discoid lupus erythematosus: a case report, JIDA 1 25 – 28.
World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI: an international validation study of clinical competencies for advanced training in oral medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, Vol. 120, Issue 2, p143–151
Published online: March 10 2015
Phenotypic differences in teeth dimensions among Chennai population: An aid in sex determination, J IndianAcad Oral Med Radiol 2015 Nov; 27:171-7
Dr.T.N.Uma Maheswari
1.Indra G, Maragathavalli G, TN Uma Maheswari, Complete Blood Count as a Pathological Diagnostic Marker in Oral Precancerous Lesions and Conditions, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2021, 9 (2): 269-272.
2.Manjari Chaudhary and Uma Maheswari TN, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19): Dentists Perception Towards the Pandemic: A Questionnaire Based study, J Res Med Dent Sci, 2021, 9 (1): 267-273.
3.Umamaheswari T N and Swathi.KV. Role of tissue, serum and salivary micro RNA 21 in oral potentially malignant disorders and oral carcinoma- A systematic review. IJBPAS, January, 2021, 10(1): 17-38. ISSN: 2277–4998. DOI: 10.31032/IJBPAS/2021/10.1.5287.
4.T N. Uma Maheswari ,Nivedhita Malli Sureshbabu & Prathiba Ramani .Expression profile of salivary micro RNA-21 and 31 in oral potentially malignant disorders. Braz. Oral Res. 2020;34:e002.
5.Dhanvanth. M, Uma maheswari. T. N, Deepika Rajendran. Prevalence of aphthous stomatitis reported in private dental institution - a retrospective study published in Journal of contemporary issues in Business and Government Vol .26, No.2,2020. P-ISSN: 2204-1990; E-ISSN: 1323-6903. DOI: 10.47750/cibg.2020.26.02.015.
6.Mukundh Chaithanya V and Uma Maheswari T. N. Assessment of dental management of Respiratory disorders patients treated in special care dentistry in a hospital setting-retrospective study. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. Nov 2020 Vol. 23 Issue 22 : 232-330. ISSN:1755-6783).
7.T N. Uma Maheswari and Shilpa Syam. Role of microrna-31 in oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer in saliva, tissue, and serum- a systematic review. IJBPAS, october, 2020, 9(10): 2697-2714. ISSN: 2277–4998. .
8.Shilpa Syam and Uma Maheswari T.N. Prevalence, forms and types of tobacco smoking – a literature review . IJBPAS, October, 2020, 9(10): 2684-2690 . ISSN: 2277–4998.
9.Shilpa Syam and Uma Maheswari T.N. Antibacterial efficacy of menthol in a commercially available mouth freshener . IJBPAS, October, 2020, 9(10): 2691-2696 ISSN: 2277–499. .
10.Inchara R and Uma Maheswari T N. In situ gel treatment for oral mucosal lesions: A systematic review. Int Oral Health 2020 ;12(6):499-503. 10.4103/jioh.jioh_257_20.
11.Nivethitha .R and Uma Maheswari T N .Awareness on Topical Therapeutic in Management of Oral Mucosal Lesions among Undergraduate Dental Students in a University Setting – A Questionnaire Based Survey. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications 2020|Vol 13| Issue 8: 26-36.
12.Archana Venugopal and UmaMaheswari T N. Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinase -9 in Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders - A Systematic Review. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology September-December 2016;20(3):474-479.ISSN: 0973029XDOI: 10.4103/0973-029X.190951(Indexed in scopus).
13.T. N. Uma Maheswari, Archana Venugopal, Nivedhita Malli Sureshbabu, Prathiba Ramani .Salivary micro RNA as a potential biomarker in oral potentially malignant disorders: A systematic review. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 2018; 30(2): 55-60. DOI:10.4103/tcmj.tcmj_114_17.ISSN:1016-3190. Indexed in Embase/Excerpta Medica,Emerging Sources Citation Index,PubMed Central,Scimago Journal Ranking and Scopus.PMID: 29875583.
14.Archana Venugopal & Uma Maheswari T N. Drug Delivery Tailored for the Need– Case Series of Oral Lichen Planus. Journal of Young Pharmacists, Vol 10, Issue 2, Apr-Jun, 2018 : 246-248. DOI: 10.5330/JYP.2018.10.55. SJR: 0.31 ISSN: cite score: 2.180. Print -0975-1483, Online - 0975-1505.
15.Shovna Shivani Mishra & Uma Maheswari T N. Evaluation of oxidative stress in oral lichen planus using Malonaldehyde: A Systematic Review.Journal of dermatology and dermatologic surgery. 2014;18(001-002):002-007.
16.Ganesh C, Sangeetha C S, Vivek Narayanan &Uma Maheswari T N. Radiologic‑pathologic correlation lymphangiomacircumscriptum in an adult: an unusual oral presentation. Journal of Clinical Imaging Science 2013; 3(4):1-4.
17.Gopi I, Maragathavalli G, Uma Maheshwari TN. Efficacy of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation over systemic pharmacotherapy in the management of temporomandibular joint disorders – A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2021;33:321-7.
18.Dhanvanth.M, Uma Maheswari.T.N. Clinical Practice Guidelines For Management Of Oral Submucous Fibrosis. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(8):3791-3794.
19.Dhanvanth M, Uma Maheshwari TN, S Rajeshkumar. Assessment Of Cytotoxic Effect On Tulsi, Aloe Vera And Turmeric Aqueous Formulattion. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(8):3702-3704.
20.Dhanvanth M, Uma Maheshwari TN, S Rajeshkumar. Analysis Of Dispensing Equipments For Topical Gel Formulations For Management Of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(8):3698-3701.
21.Fahmida Binti Abd Rahman, Nivethigaa B, Uma Maheshwari. Preventive And Interceptive Need In Children Below 10 Years Of Age. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(7):3022- 3025.
22.Jayapriya R, Chaudhary M, Uma Maheswari TN, Muthukrishnan A. Mucocutaneous pemphigus vegetans-A rare case report. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2021;33:222-5. DOI: 10.4103/jiaomr.jiaomr_282_20 .
23.Uma Maheswari T N and Gomathi R. Predictability of Kvaal’s method in dental age estimation. Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology [serial online], 2021; Vol. 22, No. 2 (July - December 2021): [about 15 p]. Published as Epubahead : Feb 1, 2018 Available
24.Pavithra H Dave , T.N.Uma maheswari and Mahesh Ramakrishnan. Prevalence of smoking habit and its variations in patients reporting to a private dental institution: A retrospective study. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021: 2729-2736. ISSN: 2204-1990 . DOI: 0.47750/cibg.2021.27.02.287:
25.Mukundh Chaithanya V and Uma Maheswari T. N. Assessment of dental management of mentally challenged patients treated in special care dentistry in a hospital setting-retrospective study.International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research .Volume 13, Issue 1, January-March 2021, Pages 1523-1529. ISSN 0975- 2366. DOI: 10.31838/ijpr/2021.13.01.228.
26.Mukundh Chaithanya V and Uma Maheswari T. N. Prevalence of trigeminal neuralgia in patients reported to private dental institution. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 13, Issue 1, January-March 2021, Pages 1458-1465. ISSN 0975- 2366.DOI: 10.31838/ijpr/2021.13.01.219.
27.Mukundh Chaithanya V and Uma Maheswari T. N. Association between temporomandibular joint pain and periodontitis in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders visiting a private dental institution-a retrospective study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Volume 13, Issue 1, January-March 2021, Pages 1566-1571. ISSN 0975- 2366. DOI: 10.31838/ijpr/2021.13.01.234
28.M. Dhanvanth , Deepika Rajendran and T.N Uma Maheswari. Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Among Undergraduate Dental Students On Prescription Of Antibiotics In Dentoalveolar Abscess - A Survey. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research .Jan - Mar 2021(13):1: 1607-1615. ISSN 0975- 2366.
29.Nauma hafeez and T. N. Uma Maheswari .Prevalence of oral candidiasis in oral leukoplakia in patients reported in private dental institution: a retrospective study. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 02, 2020: 6406-6416. ISSN: 1475-7192 .DOI: 10.31838/ijpr/2020.SP2.391.
30.Nauma Hafeez, Dr.T.N.Uma Maheshwari.Prevalence of clinical types of oral leukoplakia reported in a private dental institution : a retrospective study-- Palarch’s journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 17(7), 3191-3200. Issn 1567-214X.
31.Nauma Hafeez, Nivedhitha MS and Dr.T.N.Uma Maheshwari .Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (SPL4), 304-309 .Evaluation of single crowns using USPHS criteria during cementation - A retrospective study. 0975-7538.
32.Mukundh Chaithanya V and Uma Maheswari T. N and Manjari Chaudhry. Decision tree analysis for personalised management of high and low risk oral leukoplakia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2020,12(1): 1881-1886 ISSN 0975- 2366.
33.T.N Uma maheswari , M. Dhanvanth .Assessment Of Salivary Ph In Patients With Oral Submucous Fibrosis International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research .Oct - Dec 2020 Vol 12( 4 ): 3102-3112. ISSN 0975- 2366.
34.Fahmida Binti Abd Rahman, Vivek Narayan and T.N.Uma Maheshwari. Incidence of oral mucosal lesions in patients visiting a private dental Institution. Test Engineering and Management. January - February 2020 ISSN: 0193 - 4120 Page No. 17075 – 17084. Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
35.Fahmida Binti Abd Rahman, Mahesh, T.N.Uma Maheshwari. Age and Gender Wise Prevalence of Oral Habits - A Retrospective Study . Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Oct-Dec 2020 14(4): 5516-5523.
36.John Rozar Raj, Uma Maheswari, Nivedhitha M S. Prevalence of TMD in patients visiting private dental institution – A retrospective study International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020| Vol 11| Supplementary Issue 3: 931-936
37.Dhanvanth. M , Uma maheswari.T.N , S. Rajeshkumar. Preparation Of Tulasi, Aloe Vera And Turmeric Formulation And Its Antioxidant And Antimicrobial activity International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Jan - Jun 2020 | Supplementary Issue 1 : 2922-2926. ISSN: 0975-2366
38.Dhanvanth. M , Uma maheswari.T.N , S. Rajeshkumar.Anti-Inflammatory Effect Of Herbal Formulation Of Tulasi , Aloe Vera And Turmeric Aqueous Extract International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Jan - Jun 2020 | Supplementary Issue 1 : 2927-2930 ISSN: 0975-2366
39.Godlin Jeneta J, T.N. Uma maheswari, Nivedhitha M.S. Awareness on Topical Steroids for Management of Oral mucosal Lesions Among Dental Students in A University Setting- A Questionnaire Based Survey International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Jul - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Supplementary Issue 2 :3315-3328. ISSN: 0975-2366 DOI:
40.Nauma hafeez and T. N. Uma Maheswari. Awareness of complications of radiotherapy among dental students of private dental institution: a questionnaire-based survey International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Jul - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Supplementary Issue 2 : 3252-3257. ISSN: 0975-2366
41.Anirudh B V M, Uma Maheswari T N, & Nivethiga B. (2020). Prevalence of type of Chewing Tobacco in Tobacco Users in Patients Reported in Private Dental Institution. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11(SPL3), 1278-1282.
42.Sahil Choudhari and T. N. Uma Maheswari . Palatal Rugae Patterns in Forensic Identification. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 13(2): February 2020. ISSN: 0974-360X.
43.Uma Maheswari T N and Sindhu SJ. Confocal Microscopic Analysis of Lip Prints-A Novel Approach. Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology [serial online], 2020; Vol. 21, No. 2 (July - December 2020): [about 16 p].
44.Uma Maheswari TN, Chaudhary M. Management of oral Lichen Planus based on the existing clinical practice guidelines. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2020;32:284-92. 10.4103/jiaomr.jiaomr_55_20 . ISSN : 0972-1363.
45.Fahmida Binti Abd Rahman , Balaji Ganesh S, T.N. Uma Maheswari. Analysis of various techniques used for periodontal flap surgery - an Institutional based Retrospective study.International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,Vol. 24,Issue 01,2020: 6934-6942. ISSN : 1475-7192.
46.Mukundh Chaithanya V and Uma Maheswari T. N. Association between maxillary sinusitis and dental procedures: A systematic review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jul - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Supplementary Issue 2: 192-202 ISSN 0975-2366. DOI:
47.Mukundh Chaithanya V and Uma Maheswari T. N. Assessment of knowledge, attitude and perception regarding the biological hazards and radiological protection among the undergraduates, post graduates and interns. Biomedicine 2019,39(3): 417-421. (Indexed in Scopus and Elsevier Indian citation index, ISSN: 0970-2067.h: Index:7,SNIP 0.073IPP 0.034,SJR0.131.Cite score 0.02 (Approved Jouranl of UGCNo. 14803).
48.Mukundh Chaithanya V and Uma Maheswari T. N. Candidial leukoplakia-case series.Biomedicine 2019,39(3): 506-508. (Indexed in Scopus and Elsevier Indian citation index, ISSN: 0970-2067.h: Index:7,SNIP 0.073IPP 0.034,SJR0.131.Cite score 0.02 (Approved Jouranl of UGCNo. 14803.
49.Jayapriya Ramadurai, T.N.Uma Maheswari and Mukunth Chaitanya. Multiple variants of oral candidiasis as a predictor for HIV/AIDS diagnosis-A case report. Biomedicine 2019,39(2): 372-376.
50.T.N.Uma Maheswari ,Jayapriya Ramadurai, Shilpa Syam and Swathi K.V.Tissue microRNA in oral potentially malignant disorders-A Systematic reiew. Biomedicine 2019,39(2):209-216.
51.Shilpa Syam and T N. Uma Maheswari. Guidelines for clinical management of patients with Acute necrotising Gingivitis: A Literature Review.Research J.Pharm. and Tech. August 2019,12(8): 1-4.
52.Shilpa Syam and T N. Uma Maheswari . Assessment of morphological variations in Condyle between males and females using orthopantomogram : A Cross sectional study .Biomedicne 2019: 39(1):154-158.
53.Shilpa Syam and T N. Uma Maheswari .Knowledge, Attitude & Practice assessment regarding Oral Care in Palliative patients among Dental GraduatesJ. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(5), 2019, 1870-1873 .
54.Shilpa Syam and T N. Uma Maheswari . Artifacts in CBCT- A Retrospective study.J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(5), 2019: 1914-1917.
55.Shilpa Syam and T N. Uma Maheswari. Incidental findings in OPG -A retrospective cross-sectional study.Pharmacophore 2019,10(5): 1-4. ISSN :2229-5402.
56.Shilpa Syam and T N. Uma Maheswari .Applications of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in endodontics, periodontics and oral & maxillofacial surgery. (2018) Biomedicine 38 (4), pp. 579-582.
57.Jayapriya Ramadurai and T N. Uma Maheswari. Topical therapeutics agents in the management of Oral Potentially Malignant disorders -A Systematic Review. Biomedicine,2018, 38 ( 3):290-302
58.Selwin Gabriel Samuel, Ashalatha U, Rajesh Babu, T N Uma Maheshwari .Dental Age Estimation among Normal and Disabled (Deaf and Dumb) Children in Gandhinagar City – A Cross Sectional Study . Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, October-December 2018 Vol 12(4): 94-97. DOI Number: 10.5958/0973-9130.2018.00202.5
59.Uma Maheswari T N & Archana Venugopal. Lip Prints and its Relationship with Angle’s Classification of Molar Relation- An Observational Study . Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July-September 2018, Vol. 12(3):130-134. 0973-9122(print)0973-9130(Electronic). DOI Number: 10.5958/0973-9130.2018.00146.9.
60.P. Shanmugasundaram, T. N. Uma Maheswari, Praveen. D &A. Harini. A Comprehensive Review on natural ways to loose weight. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2017; 10(11): 4030-4032. ISSN :0974-3618(print) 0974-360X (Online ). DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2017.00730.2
61.T.N.Uma Maheswari , Meenakshi Mohan, Vivek Narayan, Jasmin Joseph, Cementoossifying fibroma - A case report, Biomedicine,2017, 37( 4):588-592(Indexed in Scopus and Elsevier Indian citation index, ISSN: 0970-2067.
62.T. N Uma Maheswari and M.S.Nivedhitha. Study to explore the significance of saliva as a diagnostic tool to detect Micro RNA in oral potentially malignant disorders. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research [JAPER] July-Sept.2017; 7(3): 278-282.
63.Archana Venugopal and T. N Uma Maheswari. Occurrence of tooth wear in controlled and uncontrolled diabetic patients - An observational study. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research [JAPER] July-Sept.2017; 7(3): 315-318.
64.Lakshmi Prabha, R. Sai Pavithra and T. N Uma Maheswari . Protocols for use of biologics in Oral diseases. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research [JAPER] July-Sept.2017; 7(3): 212-215.
65.Archana Venugopal ,T. N Uma Maheswari & Jayanth kumar. Intramuscular arteriovenous malformation of masseter - A case report. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research [JAPER] July-Sept.2017; 7(3):328-331.
66.Archana Venugopal and T. N Uma Maheswari. Prevalence of agenesis of third molar- A retrospective study. Biomedicine.September 2017; 37(3):350-353.
67.T. N Uma Maheswari & Krithika Theenadhayalan. Lip Biometric – A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. July-Dec 2017 11(2):194-198.DOI Number: h.2017.00096.2.
68.Uma Maheswari T N. Cancer awareness exposure knowledge and attitude towards the common chemical carcinogens. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical sciences. 2017 8(1) 49:53.
69.Subashri and Uma Maheswari T N. Knowledge and attitude of oral hygiene practice among dental students. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016; 9(11):1451-1453.DOI : 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00375.9(UGC Approved Journal no. 10467).
70.Aniruddh Menon and Uma Maheswari T N. Dental Anxiety Myth or Reality.Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology;9(10)2016:1451-1453.DOI:10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00303.6.
71.Uma Maheswari T N and Gomathi R. Clinical, Biochemical and Histopathological correlation of Leukoplakia – A Novel approach.Biomedicine: 2016; 36(3); 090-093.
72.Uma Maheswari T N and Lakshmi C. Classic Type Eagle’s Syndrome – A Case Report Following CARE Guidelines. Biomedicine:July – September 2016; 36(3); 097-100.
73.Uma Maheswari T N and Sahil Choudhari. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE); Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyRJPT; August 2016; 9(8); 1257-1259. DOI 10:5958/0974-360X.2016.0023389.
74.Uma Maheswari T N and Sahil Choudhari. Assessment of Student – Patient Relationship amongDental Student – A Questionnaire Study; Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (RJPT); May 2016; 9(8); 1153-1160. DOI 10:5958/0974-360X.2016.00219.5
75.Uma Maheswari T N&Sri Neeraja P. Study of salivary pH in patients with prevalence of periodontitis with or without diabetes mellitus. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016;9(4):1-3.
76.JembulingamSabarathinam,&Uma Maheswari T N. Assessment of behavioural management techniques of paediatric patients among the dentist in chennai: a questionnaire study. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2016;9(3): 119-124. DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00024.X
77.Shawna Rekshmy D’dharan,&Uma Maheswari T N. Evaluation of Position of Mental Foramen in Chennai population-A Retrospective study. International journal of Clinical Dentistry 2015; 8(4):
78.Sosa George and Uma Maheswari TN. Occurrence of mucosal changes in Mawa and Hans users –An Observational study. Biomedicine 2015;35(3): 294-297
79.Hari Priya M and Uma Maheswari TN. Study on Occurrence of Oral Manifestations in Diabetic Patients with varied glycatedhemoglobin value. International journal of pharmtech Research 2015;8(3):463-466.
80.Uma Maheswari TN. Salivary biomarkers in oral leukoplakia- A Review. International journal of Pharma and Biosciences 2015; 6(2): B 999-1004.
81.Caroline Sunitha K and Uma Maheswari T N.Hypermobility of TMJ and elongated styloid process – A case report. Biomedicine 2015; 35(1): 116-118.
82.Mogit Gupta Y, Uma Maheswari T N, Maragathavalli G. Unusual manifestation of Adenoid cystic carcinoma in palate with peripheral extension – A Case report Biomedicine 2015; 35(1): 112-115.
83.Gomathi R and Uma maheswari T N. PET/CT in diagnosis of primary Head and Neck malignancy –A case report. Biomedicine 2015; 35(1):107-109.
84.Gomathi R and Uma Maheswari T N. Ghent criteria an Aid to Diagnose Latent Systemic Diseases in Marfan syndrome. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015; 9(5): ZJ01-ZJ02. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/11932.5906.
85.Shovna Shivani Mishra and Uma maheswari TN. Local drug delivery in the treatment of Oral Lichen planus: A Systematic Review. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2014; 5(4): 716 – 721.
86.Jayanth kumar V and Uma maheswari T N. Field cancerization and its therapeutic potential.Biomedicine 2014; 34(3):276-279.
87.Dhivyalakshmi M and Uma Maheswari T N.Expression of salivary biomarkers –Alkaline Phosphatase and Lactate Dehyrogenase in oral leukoplakia. International Journal of Chem Tech Research 2014;6(5):2755-2759
88.Uma Maheswari T N. Fibrous ankylosis of TMJ in Rheumatoid arthritis-A case report. Biomedicine 2014; 34(1):148-149.
89.Uma Maheswari T N and Arivaruliyar U. Oral Pemphigus- A case report. Biomedicine 2014; 34(1):150-152.
90.Dheepika B and Uma Maheswari T N. Aloe vera in oral diseases- A review. International journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.2014;6(2): 64-66.
91.Jayanth kumarV and Uma Maheswari T N. In-vivo autofluorescence spectroscopy in oral cancer diagnosis: a systematic review. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2014; 5(1): (B) 252 – 260.
92.Dhivyalakshmi M and Uma MaheswariT N. A chronic inflammatory gingival growth –A case report. Biomedicine 2013; 33(3): 449-450.
93.Uma Maheswari T N. Treatment of oral leukoplakia with antioxidants- A Systematic review. International journal of Pharma and Biosciences 2013;4(4): 33-41.
94.Uma Maheswari T N,Shanmugasundaram P. Amlexanox in treatment of Aphthous ulcers-A Systematic review.Journal of Pharmacy Research2013; 6(1):214-217.
95.Uma Maheswari T N. Teeth anomalies in consanguineousmarriage: A Special article. Biomedicine2013; 33(2) :160-3.
96.Mohit Gupta Y, Rajorshi G N, Uma Maheswari T N,Arvind M,Margathavalli G. Intra Oral Verrucuous Xanthoma A rare case report. Biomedicine 2013; 33(2) :287-9.
97.Sangeetha G S and Uma Maheswari T N.Prevalene and Different Varieties of Type V lip prints.InternationalJournal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology2013;14(1):1-9.
98.Uma Maheswari T N and GnanasundaramN. Sialolith in the duct of submandibular salivary gland.Biomedicine 2012;32(1):123-125.
99.Sridevi D,Gnanasundaram N.Maragathavalli G,Aravind M&UmaMaheswari T N. Levels of different oral candidiasis in HIV/AIDS. Journal of Oral Sign 2012, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
100.Tenzin D,Gnanasundaram N.Margathavalli G,Aravind M&UmaMaheswari T N. Arecoline and Copper Etiopathogeneis oral submucous fibrosis Journal of oral Design 2012 4(1):15-20
101.Sudhakar Reddy, AnuradhaPai,UmaMaheswari T N,SubhaGurudath,Keerthilatha M. Fibrosis in oral submucous fibrosis –an in vivo study to correlate it with reparative fibrosis due to trauma. Biomedicine 2012; 32 (1): 91-95.
102.Role of Lip prints in Personal Identification and criminalization.AnilAggarwal’s Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology [serial online] 12.1 (2011) paper 5.
103.Uma Maheswari T N, Gnanasundaram N,Maragathavali G.Multiple Odontogenic cysts in jaws- A diagnostic tool for GorlinGoltz syndrome. Biomedicine 2010; 30 (2): 256-259
104.Uma MaheswariT N and Gnanasundaram N. Stress related oral diseases-A Research study. International journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2010; 1(3):1-10.
105.Uma Maheswari T N and Gnanasundaram N. CraniofacialDysostosis (Crouzon Syndrome) A Case Report. Biomedicine 2009;29(2):192-194.
106.Uma Maheswari T N & Gnanasundaram N. Odontome in Maxilla. Biomedicine 2008; 28(3):234-236.
107.Uma Maheswari T N & Gnanasundaram N. Hurler Syndrome. Biomedicine 2008; 28(4): 313-314.
108.Contributor in a Text book titled ‘‘Oral Medicine : Exam preparatory Manual for Undergraduates” by K. Anbarasi 2020
109.Contributor in a Text book titled ‘‘Oral Medicine : Exam preparatory Manual for Undergraduates” by Ramesh Tatapudi and Manjunath K.[Elsevier publication] 2012. Diseases of oral mucosa -Red and white lesions of oral mucosa:98-131 Pigmented lesions: 119-131
110.Contributor in a Text book titled ‘‘Oral Radiology: Exam preparatory Manual for Undergraduates ” by Ramesh Tatapudi and Manjunath K .[Elsevier publication] 2013. Diseases of periapical tissues-261-270 and Radiodiagnosis of mixed radiolucency and radiopaque lesions of Head and Neck region-365-369.
Dr.Ravleen Nagi
1.Yashoda Devi B.K., Rakesh N., Ravleen N. Diagnostic efficacy of panoramic mandibular index to identify postmenopausal women with low bone mineral densities. J Clin Exp Dent. 2011;3(5):e456-61.
2.Rakesh, N., Yashoda Devi, B.K., Patil, D.J, Nagi R. Assessment of cervical spine postural disorders in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction: a radiographic evaluation. Oral Radiol 2014;30, 38–44.
3.Nagi R, Devi B K Y, Rakesh N, Reddy SS, Santana N, Shetty N. Relationship between femur bone mineral density, body mass index and dental panoramic mandibular cortical width in diagnosis of elderly postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Aug;8(8):ZC36-40.
4.Nagi R, Yashoda Devi BK, Rakesh N, Reddy SS, Patil DJ. Clinical implications of prescribing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in oral health care--a review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2015 Mar;119(3):264-71.
5.Nair GR, Naidu GS, Jain S, Nagi R, Makkad RS, Jha A. Clinical Effectiveness of Aloe Vera in the Management of Oral Mucosal Diseases- A Systematic Review. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Aug;10(8):ZE01-7.
6.Nagi R, Sahu S, Rakesh N. Molecular and genetic aspects in the etiopathogenesis of ameloblastoma: An update. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2016 Sep-Dec;20(3):497-504.
7.Nagi R, Sahu S, Agarwal N. Unusual Presentation of Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma of Face: Surgical Challenge. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research : JCDR. 2016 Jul;10(7):ZJ06-7.
8.Nagi R, Reddy-Kantharaj YB, Rakesh N, Janardhan-Reddy S, Sahu S.Efficacy of light based detection systems for early detection of oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders: Systematic review. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Jul 1;21 (4):e447-55.
9.Nagi R, Sahu S, Nagaraju R. Oral health,nutritional knowledge, and practices among pregnant women and their awareness relating to adverse pregnancy outcomes. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2016;28:396-402.
10.Nagi R, Kantharaj YB, Nagaraju R, Reddy SJ. Sialocele of Parotid Duct: Report of Case with Review of Literature. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research : JCDR. 2016 Feb;10(2):ZD04-5.
11.Nagi R, Kantraj YD, Nagaraju R, Reddy SS.Risk factors, quality of life, and oral implications of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2016;28:274-80.
12.Jain S, Rathod N, Nagi R, Sur J, Laheji A, Gupta N, Agrawal P, Prasad S. Antibacterial Effect of Aloe Vera Gel against Oral Pathogens: An In-vitro Study. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Nov;10(11):ZC41-ZC44.
13.Laskawi R, Ellies M. The role of botulinum toxin in the management of head and neck cancer patients. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007 Apr;15(2):112-6.
14.Jain S, Mujoo S, Daga M, Kalra S, Nagi R, Laheji A. Comparison of antifungal effect of Aloevera gel and Triphala: An in vitro study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2017;29:90-4.
15.Nagi R, Sahu S, Gahwai D, Jain S. Study on evaluation of normal range of maximum mouth opening among Indian adults using three finger index: A descriptive study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2017;29:186-90.
16.Agrawal Y, Naidu GS, Makkad RS, Nagi R, Jain S, Gadewar DR, Kataria R. Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor-a rare case report with review of literature. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2017 Oct;7(5):598-604.
17.Jain S, Nagi R, Daga M, Shandilya A, Shukla A, Parakh A, Laheji A, Singh R. Tooth coronal index and pulp/tooth ratio in dental age estimation on digital panoramic radiographs-A comparative study. Forensic Sci Int. 2017 Aug;277:115-121.
18.Jain S, Kalra S, Nagi R, Tiwari S. Nonexpansile Unicystic Ameloblastoma: A Rare Case Report. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2017;29:345-9.
19.Dehankar N, Naidu GS, Makkad RS, Nagi R, Jain S, Deshmukh U. Validity of Demirjian 8-teeth method for age estimation by orthopantomogram – A prospective study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2018;30:148-52.
20.Ashwini Dhopte Naidu GS, Makkad RS, Nagi R, jain S, Hiroj B. Nicotine Dependence And Tobacco Product Consumption', International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 2018; 07(6): 13542-13545
21.Nagi R, Patil DJ, Rakesh N, Jain S, Sahu S. Natural agents in the management of oral mucositis in cancer patients-systematic review. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2018 Sep-Dec;8(3):245-254.
22.Nagi R, Jain S, Agrawal P, Prasad S, Tiwari S, Naidu GS. Tooth coronal index: Key for age estimation on digital panoramic radiographs. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2018;30:64-7.
23.Dhopte A, Naidu G, Singh-Makkad R, Nagi R, Bagde H, Jain S. Psychometric analysis of stress, anxiety and depression in patients with recurrent aphthous Stomatitis-A cross-sectional survey based study. J Clin Exp Dent. 2018;10(11):e1109-14.
24.Rakesh N, Clint JB, Reddy SS, Nagi R, Chauhan P, Sharma S, Sharma P, Kaur A, Shetty B, Ashwini S, Pavan Kumar T, Vidya GS. Clinical evaluation of photodynamic therapy for the treatment of refractory oral Lichen planus - A case series. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2018 Dec;24:280-285.
25.Nagi R, Patil DJ, Sahu S. Oral health of children and adolescents infected with human immunodeficiency virus and impact of highly active antiretroviral therapy on quality of life. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2018;30:289‑96
26.Shrivastava S, Naidu GS, Makkad GS,Nagi R, Jain S. Oral Health Related Quality of Life of Controlled and Uncontrolled Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients-A Questionnaire Based Comparative Study. J Dental Orofac Res 2018;14:20-24.
27.Jain S, Hegde S, Kalra S, Nagi R, Goyal P, Shukla S. Digitized radiovisiographic analysis of dental pulp of permanent mandibular first molar and second premolar for age estimation using tooth coronal index method. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2018;30:392-7.
28.Jain S, Choudhary K, Nagi R, Shukla S, Kaur N, Grover D. New evolution of cone-beam computed tomography in dentistry: Combining digital technologies. Imaging Sci Dent. 2019 Sep;49(3):179-190.
29.Nagi R, Aravinda K, Rakesh N, Jain S, Kaur N, Mann AK. Digitization in forensic odontology: A paradigm shift in forensic investigations. J Forensic Dent Sci. 2019 Jan-Apr;11(1):5-10.
30.Naidu GS, Bhandari J, Nagi R, Makkad RS. Benign fibromatosis of submandibular gland - Radiological and immunohistochemical characteristic features. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2019;31:263-9.
31.Naidu GS, Shukla S, Nagi R, Jain S, Makkad RS. Evaluation of oral health related quality of life in subjects diagnosed with head and neck malignancies undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2019;31:228-33.
32.Makkad RS, Agrawal G, Agrawal V, Nagi R. Pleomorphic adenoma of dorsolateral surface of the tongue: A rarest clinical presentation. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2020;32:73-6.
33.Yadav A, Nair G, Naidu GS, Makkad RS, Nagi R, Dewangan G. Intralesional Steroid plus Hyaluronidase and Oral Physiotherapy in the management of Oral submucous fibrosis: Clinicians Experience. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2020;8(10):122-129.
34.Nagi R, Makkad RS, Reddy SS, et al.Dentists and Oral Radiologists Awareness and Attitude regarding Preventive and Infection Control Measures During Dental Radiographic Examination in the COVID 19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Res Adv Dent 2020;10:4:16-25.
35.Naidu GS, Makkad RS, Nair GR, Nagi R. “Myxoma of the Jaws”: Report of an atypical presentation and review of literature. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2020;32:192-5.
36.Nagi R, Rakesh N, Naidu GS, et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cone Beam CT Image Registration for Osseous and Soft Tissue Abnormalities of Temporomandibular Joint: A Systematic Review. Dent J Adv Stud 2021; 1-7.
37.Agrawal Y, Naidu GS, Nagi R, Jain S, Choudhary M, Choudhary V. Digital cephalometric analysis of pharyngeal airway space changes in oral submucous fibrosis patients: A cross sectional observational study. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2020;32:341-6.
38.Kaur A, Rakesh N, Reddy SS,Thomas N, Nagi R, jatti D. Association Between Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency and Cervicogenic Headache: Hypothetical Approach Towards Etiopathogenesis of Headache. J Oral Med Pain 2020;45(4):97-109.
39.Reddy P, Nagi R, Kumar P, Srivastava R, Singh Bhadauriya U. Assessment of knowledge and anxiety levels due to COVID-19 pandemic among health care professionals and general population in Indore City: A cross sectional study. Przegl Epidemiol. 2020;74(3):441-448
40.Nagi R, Aravinda K, Rakesh N, Gupta R, Pal A, Mann AK. Clinical applications and performance of intelligent systems in dental and maxillofacial radiology: A review. Imaging Sci Dent. 2020 Jun;50(2):81-92.
41.Shrivastava S, Nagi R, Sharma S, Rasul Sanadi SA, Dafallah ET, Ragit A. Molecular targeted therapy: novel therapeutic approach for head and neck cancer. Ther Deliv. 2020 Oct;11(10):637-651.
42.Nagi R, Rakesh N, Reddy SS. Adverse Drug Reactions and drug interactions with NSAIDs. 2021, edition 1 (Book)
43.Nagi R, Rakesh N, Reddy SS, et al. Therapeutic role of phytochemicals in the prevention of oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer – a review. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(16):1156-1165,
44.Nagi R, Rakesh N, Reddy SS, et al. Therapeutic role of phytochemicals in the prevention of oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer – a review. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(16):1156-1165.
45.Vyas T, Konidena A, Nagi R, Misra D. Novel Coronavirus brings a New Challenge for Oral Health-Care Professionals. J Int Clin Dent Res Organ 2020;12:87-93.
46.Nagi R, Reddy SS, Rakesh N, Vyas T. Tobacco cessation is a challenge during COVID-19 pandemic: Is it a good time to quit?: A systematic review. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2021;33:82-90.
47.Patil DJ, Rakesh N, Konidena A, Nagi R. Therapeutic and Dental considerations of COVID 19 Pandemic with Literature Overview. Int Med J 2020;20:3333-51.
48.Ravleen Nagi et al Cone Beam Computed Tomography: Systematic Review on Justification of Exposure Based on ALADA Principle, SAR J Dent Oral Surg Med 2021; 2(1), 7-21.
49.Makkad RS, Sharma A, Motlani M,Yadav P,Swarnkar A, Nagi R. Assessment of Dental Aesthetic Index Among School Children of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh: A Pilot Study. J Res Adv Dent 2019;10:1s:228-232.
50.Thomas N, Kaur A, Reddy SS, Nagaraju R, Nagi R, Shankar VG. Three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomographic sialography in the diagnosis and management of primary Sjögren syndrome: Report of 3 cases. Imaging Sci Dent. 2021 Jun;51(2):209-216.
51.Makkad RS, Naidu GS, Nagi R, Sagtani A, Patil S, Shrivastava S. Multiple fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws: A report of a rare case with a literature review. Imaging Sci Dent. 2021;51:e42.
52.Makkad RS, Agarwal G, Gupta S, Nagi R, Ragit A,Jamal F. Intramuscular hemangioma of masseter muscle: Case report of rare clinical entity. Ann Maxillofac Surg 2021;11:148-51.
53.Sujatha S, Shwetha V, Vaishnavi P, Sreekanth P,mNagi R. Tobacco consumption patterns and coping behavior during themCOVID‑19 lockdown. J Head Neck Physicians Surg 2021;9:59-63.
54.Shrivastava S, Naidu GS, Makkad RS, Nagi R, Agrawal A, Saxena K. Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Diagnosis and Conservative Management of Ohlers Type III Dens Invaginatus associated with Dentigerous cyst: A case Report. Turkish J Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation : 2021; 32(3).
Dr.V.Jayanth Kumar
1.Analysis of common patient complaints after management of Oral Cancer- A retrospective study. Poorna Chitra, Jayanth Kumar V International Journal of Dentistry and oral science.2021;8(5):2680-85
2.Awareness of dental students towards CBCT: A Cross Sectional Study. Sivesh Sangar, Jayanth Kumar V Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology.2020:32(4):366-70.
3.Quantitative analysis of Styloid process in OPG of patients who do not have symptoms of Eagle's Syndrome Indian Journal of Dentistry and oral science.2020;7(10):892-7.
4.Prevalence of reticular oral lichen plans: A retrospective study. Snehasree, Jayanth Kumar V Indian Journal of Forensic medicine and Toxicology.2020;14(4):4873-79.
5.Evaluation of mandibular third molar extractions performed by intra alveolar method as opposed to transalveolar method. Aniruddh Menon, Balakrishna, jayanth Kumar V Indian Journal of Forensic medicine and Toxicology.2020;14(4):5907-13
6.Prevalence of age related risk of three clinical variants of aphthous stomatitis : A retrospective study. Kethiswar Raj, Jayanth Kumar V, Vinay S Indian Journal of Forensic medicine and Toxicology.2020;14(4):5643-9.
7.Prevalence of tobacco usage in oral leukoplakia: A retrospective study. Sowmya, Jayanth Kumar , Sankari M International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2020;11(3):1896-01.
8.Knowledge, attitude and practice of radiation amond Dental Students, Kuzhalvai mozhi and Jayanth Kumar V Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International.2020;32(5):52-62.
9.Age determination using orthopantomograph- A review. Anjana G, Jayanth Kumar V Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communication.2020;13(7):500-4.
10.Awareness of Oral Cancer among dental Students- A survey. Harshinee, Jayanth Kumar Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communication.2020;13(8):307-13.
11.Preference of root canal obturation materials for pulpectomy procedures by students in a Private Dental Institution. Aniruddh Menon, Mebin Mathew George, Jayanth Kumar Journal of Complementary Medicine Research.2020;11(4):125-132.
12.Frequency of vital versus non vital tooth preparation for Fixed Partial Denture - A retrospective study. Aniruddh Menon, Kiran, Jayanth Kumar V Journal of Complementary Medicine Research.2020;11(2):149-58
13.Role of topical anesthetics vs topical steroids in the management of traumatic ulcer. A case control study. Dhinesh Kumar, Jayanth Kumar V, Visalakshi International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2020;11(3):1446-51.
14.Prevalence of smoking in patients with aphthous stomatitis: A case control study. Sivesh, Jayanth Kumar, Visalakshi International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2020;11(3):1755-60.
15.Suturing in single tooth alveoloplasty wounds: A case control study. Kausalyah Krishna Malay, Balakrishna R.N, Jayanth Kumar V International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences.2020;11(3):1187-91.
16.Therapeutic effectiveness of alternative medications used in oral lichen planus: A systematic review.Jayanth Kumar Vadivel, Devaraj Ezhilarasan, Meera Govindarajan, Elangovan Somasundaram Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. 2020;20(2):340
17.Knowledge, awareness and practice of dental students regarding dental radiographs on pregnant women in Chennai. Gayathri Vijayakumaran, Jayanth kumar Vadivel International Journal of Pharamaceutical Research.2020;12(2):2496-05.
18.Prevalence of periodontally compromised patients among those undergoing orthodontic treatment. Sneha Sree, Sumathi Felicita, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel International Journal of Pharamaceutical Research. 2020;12:225-31.
19.Mast cell expression in Oral Lichen Planus : A Systematic Review. Jayanth Kumar Vadivel, Meera Govindarajan, Elangovan Somasundaram, Arvind Muthukrishnan Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry (Web of science, Pubmed, Scopus)
20.Prevalence of pulp stones in radiographs - a retrospective study International Journal of Dentistry and oral science.2020;7(11):1140-3.
21.Assessment of safe zone in mandible for implant osteotomy in South Indian Population: A cone beam computed tomography study. Vane Swetah, Jayanth kumar vadivel. Drug Invention today.2019;11(2):330-4.
22.CBCT analysis of Maxillary Canine impaction. Kalyani, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development.2019;10(11):3611-15
23.Radiological study on the anterior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve. Roshene P, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development.2019;10(11):595-9.
24.Awareness of Parents of Children with Congenital Heart Disease about Oral Health and Disease. Deepti Anna John, Jayanth kumar vadivel. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development.2019;10(10:247-51.
25.Usage of CBCT in detection of vertical root fractures. Sahana Kirtivasan, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development.10(6):26-30.
26.Analysing Cheiloscopic Pattern and Mandibular Canine Index for Gender Determination. Divyadarshini V, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.2019;12(1):254-8.
27.Assessing the knowledge on antibiotic prescription in dental student- Amoxycillin and clavulanic acid. Srithi Srinath, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Drug Invention today.2019;11(2):373-7.
28.Concentrated growth factors as an ingenious biomaterial in regeneration of bony defects after periapical surgery. : A report of two cases. Niveditha Malli Suresh Babu, Kathiravan Selvarasu, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel, Mahalakshmi Nandakumar, Deepak Selvam Case reports in Dentistry.2019;7046203
29.An oral physcian’s perspective of the usage of biologics in pregnancy, lactation and pediatrics. Abiramasri, Muthulakshmi, Boopana, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Journal of pharmaceutical science and research.2017;9(8):1288-92
30.Incidence of dental caries and pericoronitits associated with impacted mandibular third molar – A radiographic study. Rohini, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2017;10(2):1081-4
31.Association between oral habits, signs and symptoms of TMD among adolescent patients. Anitha, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology.2017;10
32.Contraindications to the usage of biological therapies in active or recent history of malignant disorders. Divyadarshini, Roshene, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Journal of pharmaceutical science and research.2017;7(6):910-3.
33.A cone beam computed tomography study of the prevalence of two or more canals in mandibular anteriors in Chennai population. Subahsri Raman, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Journal of advanced pharma education and research.2017;7(2):92-95.
34.Lateral Periodontal Cyst- An unusual radiographic presentation. Harshavardhan, Vignesswary, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Biomedicine.2014;34(3):103-6.
35.Assessment of styloid process length in orthopantomogram – A radiographic study. Divyadharshini, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel International Journal of pharma and bioscience.2016;7(4):B503-6
36.Field cancerisation and its therapeutic implications. Jayanth kumar vadivel, Uma Maheswari TN Biomedicine.2014;34(3):276-9.
37.Fluoresence spectroscopic characterisation of salivary metabolites of oral cancer patients. Yuvaraj, udayakumar, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel, Murali Krishna, Ganesan Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. B.Biology.2014;130:153-60.
38.The role of biotics in oral health. Hindia, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel International Journal of pharma and bioscience.2014:5(4):446-50.
39.Chlorhexidine and its role in health. Harishmitha, Karthikeyan, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2014;7(12):1492-3.
40.In vivo autofluorescence spectroscopy in oral cancer diagnosis: A systematic review.Jayanth Kumar, Uma Maheswari International Journal of pharma and bioscience.2014;5(1):B252-60.
41.In vivo estimation of redox states with autofluorescence spectroscopy in oral submucous fibrosis. Jayanth Kumar, Koteeswaran, Ganesan Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology.2012;24(4):257-60.
42.Native fluorescence and time resolved fluorescence spectroscopic characterisation of normal and malignant oral tissues under UV excitation – an in vitro study. Udayakumar, Yuvaraj, Fathi Awad, Jayanth Kumar Vadivel, Prakasrao Aruna, Dornadula Koteeswaran, Balu David, Ganesan Journal of fluorescence.2014;24(2):613-23.
43.Reliability of age estimation using Demirjian’s 8 teeth method and India Specific Formula. Jayanth Kumar, Saraswathi Gopal Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences.2012;3(1):19-22.
44.Virtual Autopsy International Journal of Forensic Odontology.2016;1:14-6.
45.Intra oral complex odontoma : A case report and review of literature. Harshavardhan,Jayanth Kumar Vadivel, Saraswathi Gopal Indian Journal of Dental Sciences.2012;3(4):42-5.
46.Verrucous carcinoma now and then Annals and Essence of Dentistry.2012;4(3):39-43.
Dharman S, Maragathavalli G, Shanmugasundaram K, Shanmugam RK. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy of Curcumin/Turmeric for the Prevention and Amelioration of Radiotherapy/Radiochemotherapy Induced Oral Mucositis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention: APJCP. 2021 Jun;22(6):1671.
Sreedevi Dharman, Rajeshkumar, Karpagavalli Shanmugasundaram. Synthesis and Characterisation Of Novel Turmeric Gold Nanoparticles and Evaluation Of Its Anti- oxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Antibacterial Activity For Application In Oral Mucositis-An Invitro Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;08(05):2525-2532.
Sreedevi Dharman, Maragathavalli, Rajeshkumar, Karpagavalli Shanmugasundaram. Eco-friendly Synthesis, Characterisation and Antibacterial Activity of Curcumin Mediated Silver Nanoparticles. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science. 2021;08(04):2314-2318.
Keerthana Baskar, Aravind kumar , Sreedevi Dharman Frequency of Injury to front teeth in class II skeletal and Dental malocclusion. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021,8(8),pp.3916-3919.
Preetha Parthasarathy, Delphine Priscilla Antony, Sreedevi Dharman.Association of age and gender with cast post restoration in maxillary Central Incisors after endodontic treatment. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021,8(8),pp.3920-3924.
Aishwarya, Dharman S. Association of Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer Among Tobacco Users-A Retrospective Study. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. 2020 Dec 12;26(2):63-70.
Fathima F, Dharman S. Association of occlusal wear facets in patients with temporomandibular disorders. Bioinformation. 2020;16(12):1060-8.
Keerthana Baskar, Sreedevi Dharman .Association Of Smokeless Tobacco Habit with Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2019;S4:02:005:19-24.
Jaya Keerthana S, Sreedevi Dharman, Maragathavalli. G Assessment Of Impacted Third Molars In Patients With TMD. International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research Jan - Mar 2021;Vol 13 :Issue 1
Joshini Shanmugam, Sreedevi Dharman, Suresh V. Assessment of distribution pattern in patients with facial pain - a retrospective study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Jan - Mar 2021; Vol 13: Issue 1
Keerthana Baskar, Mebin George Mathew, Sreedevi Dharman. Risk Factors for Traumatic Injuries in Children with Autism. Journal Of Complementary Medicine Research, 2020 VOL 11, NO. 4
Baskar K, Nerella M, Dharman S. Assessment of Patients Having Oral Cancer Without Habits. Int J Cur Res Rev| Vol. 2020 Dec;12(24):69.
Hemashree J, Dharman S. Role Of Liquid Biopsy In Diagnosis Of Oral Cancer. Pal. Arch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology. 2020 Nov 28;17(7):2066-73.
Keerthana Baskar, Nashra Kareem, Sreedevi Dharman .Evaluation Of Connective Tissue Grafts Versus Free Gingival Grafts. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (SPL4), 474-478.
Baskar K, Antony Dp, Dharman S. Association of prefabricated metal post with the method of Removal-A Retrospective Study. Journal Of Contemporary Issues In Business And Government. 2021 Mar 9;27(2):2651-6.
Lakshya Rani.S, Sreedevi Dharman, G.Maragathavalli. Assessment Of Diabetic Status In Denture Stomatitis And Angular Cheilitis Patients In A University Hospital Setting - A Retrospective Analysis. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2019;S4:02:008:36-41.
Shah Ms, Dharman S, Gopal M. Assessment Of Missing Posterior Teeth In Tmd Patients-A Retrospective Study. Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Health. 2020 Nov;23:232-342.
Monisha K, Sreedevi Dharman, Aravind Kumar. Assessment Of Hemoglobin Levels in Patients with Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Cancer. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2019;S4:02:007:30-35.
Preetha Parthasarathy, Sreedevi Dharman.Pattern of smoking and smokeless tobacco use, its association with leukoplakia .European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 07, Issue 01, 2020
Preetha Parthasarathy, Sreedevi Dharman Assessment of Dental Patterns in Digital Panoramic Radiographs- An Aid in Personal Identification. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research ; Apr - Jun 2020 :Vol 12 | Issue 2
Association of age with dental plaque score- A record based analysis. Preetha Parthasarathy, Leelavathi L, Sreedevi Dharman. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (SPL3), 342-346
Parthasarathy P, Babu H, Dharman S. Prevalence of gingivitis in patients with open bite. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. 2021 Mar 9;27(2):2664-71.
Parthasarathy P, Jeevitha M, Dharman S. Pattern of tooth mobility in smokers and non-smokers with chronic periodontitis. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. 2021 Mar 9;27(2):2369-77.
Mariona P, Varghese RM, Dharman S. A Retrospective Study Assessing The Lip Competency Of Patients Who Underwent Orthodontic Therapy. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2020 Nov 23;7(1):1970-9.
Preethi Mariona, Sreedevi Dharman. Association of Risk Factors with Oral Cancer among Patients in A University Setting. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2019;S6:02:003:11-16.
Preethi Mariona, Delphine Priscilla Antony S, Sreedevi Dharman Association of type of file fracture and method of removal in a university setting. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (SPL3), 1761-1765
Mariona P, Dharman S. Pattern Of Tooth Loss In Geriatric Patients. Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology. 2020 Nov 28;17(7):519-29.
Mariona P, Mathew Mg, Dharman S. Oral Health Of Children With Intellectual Disabilities-An Institutional Study. Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Health. 2020 Nov;23:232-314.
Mariona P, Kareem N, Dharman S. Evaluation of the method of gingivectomy done in endodontically treated teeth. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government. 2021 Mar 9;27(2):2657-63.
Balaji V ,Divya T, Sreedevi Dharman.Role of Prolotherapy In the Management of Temporomandibular Disorders -A Review International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2020 ; Vol 12 :Issue 1
Soundarajan S, Dharman S. Age Estimation From Root Diameter And Root Canal Diameter Of Maxillary Central Incisors In Chennai Population Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology. 2020 Nov 28;17(7):2074-83.
Manoharan S, Dharman S. Assessment Of Gingival Enlargement In Epileptic Patients-A Retrospective Study. Journal Of Contemporary Issues In Business And Government. 2020 Dec 24;26(2):233-40.
Vaishali. S and Sreedevi Dharman.Association of Salivary Superoxide Dismutase and Nitric Oxide Levels in Patients With Smoking. Dental Communication biosc.biotech.res.Comm. Special issue vol 13 No (8) 2020 Pp-250-255 SP AK, Venugopalan S,
Dharman S. Analysis Into Extra Oral Features of Completely Edentulus Patients Pre and Post Complete Denture Treatment. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2020 Oct 1;14(4).
Ashwin Kumar.S.P, Surendar Sugumaran, Sreedevi Dharman.Association Of Age And Gender In Patients With Class V Caries Indicated For Root Canal Treatment In The Age Group 60-80 Years. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Oct - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 4
Balaji V, Remmiya Mary Varghese, Sreedevi Dharman.Arch form variations in class 1 patients undergoing orthodontic therapy
Sagana M, Dharman S. Estimation of Salivary and Blood Glucose Level among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus–A Comparative Study. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2020 Aug 26:20-7.
Prashaanthi N, Dharman S. Assessment of Nicotine Dependence Using Fagerstrom Test among Patients with Leukoplakia and Oral Submucous Fibrosis. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2020 Aug 24:97-106.
Dharman S. Salivary Flow Rate and pH in Patients with Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Cancer. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2020 Apr 1;11(4).
Dharman S. Analysis of Dermatoglyphic Pattern in Potentially Malignant Disorder and Oral Carcinoma Patients. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2020 Jan 1;11(1).
Hemashree J, Dharman S. Evaluation of Malondialdehyde, Glutathione Peroxidase and Defensin Levels in Patients with and without Periodontitis. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2020 Jan 1;11(1).
Baskar K, Dharman S. Evaluation of Calcium and Alkaline Phosphatase in the Salivary Samples of Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2020 Aug 26:157-63.
Sabarathinam J, Dharman S, Selvaraj J. Combination Assay for Tumor Markers in Saliva of Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2020 Aug 25:36-45.
Dharman S, Ravinthar K. Role of Curcumin in Alleviating Symptomatic Oral Lichen Planus: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2020 Feb 1;14(2).
Hemashree J, Sreedevi.Comparison Of Taste Perception Among Smokers And Non Smokers - A Case Control Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2020;12 : 2
Sabarathinam J, Selvaraj J, Devi S. Estimation of Levels of Glutathione Peroxidase (Gpx), Malondialdehyde (Mda), Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (Tnf Alpha) and Alpha Feto Protein (Afp) In Saliva of Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal. 2019 Dec 28;12(04):1881-6.
Srinivasan S, Dharman S. Awareness about the genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of X-rays among undergraduate dental students. Drug Invention Today. 2019 May 15;12(5).
Balaji V, Remmiya Mary Varghese, Sreedevi Dharman.Arch form variations in class 1 patients undergoing orthodontic therapy. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jul - Sep 2020: Vol 12 ; Issue 3:2168-2172
49.Balaji V, Mahathi, Sreedevi Dharman .Assessing the mastery of local anesthesia by students by evaluating the amount used for single tooth extraction. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (SPL3), 760-764
50.Sridhar ,Dharman S. Assessment of Mandibular Condylar Morphology Using Digital Orthopantomogram in Chennai Population. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2020 Jul 1;14(3).
Sri Varsha L, Dharman S. Comparison of Quality of Life among Oral and General Cancer Patients. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2019 Aug 1;10(8).
Banu MA, Dharman S. Alveolar Ridge Dimension and Morphology Measurement in Anterior Maxilla for Immediate Implant Treatment Planning: A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2019 Dec 1;10(12).
Belinda TJ, Dharman S. Role of Colposcopy in Diagnosing Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Cancer: A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2019 Dec 1;10(12).
Senthil K, Dharman S. Comparison of Various Digital Imaging Software in the Determination of Artificial Proximal Caries-An In Vitro Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2019 Aug 1;10(8).
Fathima N, Dharman S. Role of Thermography in Assessment of Myogenous Temporomandibular Disorders-A Systematic Review. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal. 2019 Sep 1;12(3):1241-8.
Preetha Parthasarathy, Leelavathi L, Sreedevi Dharman .Association of age with dental plaque score- A record based analysis. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (SPL3), 342-346
Reshma Thirunavakarasu, Sreedevi Dharman. Role of rebamipide in the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer – A systematic review. Drug Invention Today. 2019: 11: Special issue 1;146-150.
Ahmed Hilal Sheriff, Sreedevi Dharman. Role of spirulina in the management of oral submucous fibrosis – A systematic review. 2019: 11: Special issue 1;140-145.
Godlin Jeneta, Caroline Jacob, Sree Devi. Role of interleukin 10 as an anti-inflammatory cytokine in periodontal infection. 2018: 10: Special issue 5;3851-3855.
Reshma Harikrishnan and Sreedevi Dharman.Sclerotherapy in the treatment of Pyogenic Granuloma-A Review. Dec 2018
Gayathri Mohan, Sreedevi Dharman. Frontal Sinus and Nasal Septum Deviation Pattern in personal Identification: A Forensic study. Indian Journal of Dental Research 2017 March-April; 28(2):217.
Fazeelath Banu, Sreedevi Dharman. Assessment of Sexual Dimorphism Using Diagonal Tooth Measurements: An Aid in Gender Determination. Indian Journal of Dental Research 2017 March-April; 28(2):218.
Dharman S, Muthukrishnan A. Oral mucous membrane pemphigoid – Two case reports with varied clinical presentation. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2016; 20:630- 634
R Prithi, Sreedevi Dharman. Study On Prevalence of Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer Among College Students. RJPBCS 2016 November – December 7(6):1391
M Ramya Chellammal, and Sreedevi Dharman. Assessment of Enamel Defects in Patients Visiting Saveetha Dental College, Chennai: A Pilot Study.Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 May–June; 7(3): 995
Sreedevi Dharman, Muthukrishnan Arvind. Darier’s disease - Oral, general and histopathological features in a 7 year old child. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2016 April; 34:177-9.
Sandhya R, Sreedevi Dharman. Radiographic findings associated with impacted third molars. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research 2016 Mar; 3(3):1334-1338
Ramya Chellammal Muthusamy, Sreedevi Dharman.Use of aloe vera in the treatment of oral lichen planus -A systematic review. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2016 Jan; 7(1): 146 – 152
Sreedevi Dharman, Gnanasundaram N, Maragathavalli Gopal, Arvind Muthukrishnan. Phenotypic Differences in teeth dimensions among Chennai population-An aid in Sex determination. 2015 2015 Nov; 27:171-7.
Sreedevi D, Gnanasundaram N, Maragathavalli G,Arvind M,Umamaheshwari TN.Levels of Different Oral Candidiasis in HIV /AIDS-A Systematic Review. Journal of Oral Sign 2012; Vol 4(1):10-14
Sreedevi.D Unilateral Ankylosis of TMJ in a Child-A Case Report. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences.ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2015-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015
Sreedevi.D Oral Verrucous Carcinoma-A Case Report. Int J Pharm Bio Sci.ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2015-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
Sreedevi.D. Oral manifestation of Iron Deficiency Anemia. Int J Pharm Bio Sci.ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2015-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
Sreedevi.D. Erosive Lichen Planus. Int J Pharm Bio Sci ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2105-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
Sreedevi.D. Squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Pharm Bio Sci ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2105-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
Angina Bullosa Haemrrhagica. R Gomathi, D Sreedevi. Int J Pharm Bio Sci.ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2105-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
Florid Osseous Dysplasia. R Gomathi, T.N Umamaheswari,D Sreedevi. Int J Pharm Bio Sci.ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2105-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
R Gomathi, M Arvind, D Sreedevi Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. . Int J Pharm Bio Sci.ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2105-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
R Gomathi, T. N Umamaheswari, D Sreedevi. Peripheral Odontogenic Fibroma. Int J Pharm Bio Sci.ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2105-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
R Gomathi, D Sreedevi. Denture Induced Traumatic Ulcer. Int J Pharm Bio Sci.ISSN0975-6299.Proceedings of SHOWCASE 2105-International Case Reports Conference,9th&10thMay2015.
Dr.Vivek Narayan
1.Rinieshah Nair R. Baskaran, Vivek Narayan, Balaji Ganesh S, Vivek Narayan. Incidence of Periapical Lesions in Patients Visiting a Private Dental Institute - A Dental Hospital Based Retrospective Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(8):3827-3831.
2.S. Sivaharini, M. Jeevitha, Vivek Narayan. Assessment of Periodontal Status in Patients with Oral Leukoplakia. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(8):3866-3870.
3.Reshma Thirunavakarasu, Vivek Narayan, Balaji Ganesh S. Prevalence Of OSMF In Patients With Different Types Of Pan Chewing Habits - A Dental Hospital Based Retrospective Study. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(7):3060-3064.
4.Pavithra H Dave , Vivek Narayan, Mahesh Ramakrishnan. Incidence Of Oral Ulcers In Patients Visiting A Private Dental Hospital . Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(6):3163- 3167.
5.S.Santhosh Bala, N.P Muralidharan, Vivek Narayan. (2020). Awareness about Common Disinfection Procedures among Undergraduate Students in Clinics. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 14(4), 5611-5618.
6.Aravind Kumar Subramanian, Nivethigaa B, Vivek Narayanan. The Corona Chronicle - From History To Hitherto - A Perspective. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2021;8(1):1089- 1095.
7.S. Sivaharini, Dr. V. Rakshagan, Vivek Narayan. Age Group Preferring Temporary Partial Dentures J Complement Med Res. 2020; 11(2): 133-138 doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.02.20
8.Kiran K, Dhanraj Ganapathy , Vivek Narayan Prevalence of Post-Operative Pain After Extraction- A Survey J Complement Med Res. 2020; 11(4): 9-19 doi: 10.5455/jcmr.2020.11.04.02
9.S.Sivaharini, Rakshagan, Vivek Narayan, Incidence of maxillary tori and mandibular tori in complete denture patients in SDC. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Jan - Mar 2021, Vol 13, Issue 1, 1423 – 1427. DOI:
10.S.Santosh Bala, Karthik Ganesh Mohanraj, Vivek Narayan, Morphological and morphometrical analysis of ilium with reference to iliac crest of pelvic bone for sex determination. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 843-849
11.Reshma Harikrishnan, Vivek Narayan, Balaji Ganesh S. Incidence of Aphthous Ulcers in Patients attending a Private Dental Hospital. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2019;S4:02:002:10-13. doi:
12.Rushabh Kamdar, Vivek Narayan, Arun M. Common Patient Positioning Errors in Digital Panoramic Radiographs of Patients Visiting A Private Dental Institution. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2019;S2:02:008:28-32. doi:
13.Kannan, K., Ganapathy, D., Narayan, V. Knowledge and awareness about uses of dental surveyors among dental students-a survey, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2020, 12(4), pp. 2406-2412
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Dr.Manjari Choudhary
Position of mandibular third molar to inferior alveolar canal using cone beam computed tomography: a new classification. International Journal of Current Research 2017 Vol. 9, Issue, 11, pp.61535-61538.
Photodynamic treatment outcomes of potentially- malignant lesions and malignancies of the head and neck region: A systematic review. Journal of Investigative and Clinical Denistry. 2017;e12270:1-9
A Retrospective Study Detecting the Neurovascular Anatomical Variations in the Anterior Palate Observed on Cone Beam Computed Tomography Images. International Clinical Dental Research Organization 2017.Volume 9, Issue 1, pp 67-70
Immediate implant placement planning in mandibular posterior region using cone beam computed tomography. International Journal of Advance Research 2018 6(9), 544-553v
The relationship between vascularity within cervical lymph nodes and lymph node size among oral cancer patients using colour Doppler. International Journal of Current Research 2019 Vol. 11, Issue, 11, pp.8588-8591.
ORAL LESIONS – THE CLUE TO DIAGNOSIS OF THE MOST COMMON BLISTERING DISEASE. International Journal of Current Research Vol. 12, Issue, 05, pp.11617-11620, May, 2020
The Knowledge Of Landmarks And Errors In Dental Radiology Among Undergraduate Students. JOURNAL OF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE RESEARCH, 2020 VOL 11, NO. 1
Prevalence of Odontogenic Cyst in South Indian Population. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Jan - Jun 2020, Supplementary Issue 1
Prevalence Of Squamous Cell Carcinoma In Different Sites Of The Oral Cavity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Jun 2020 | Supplementary Issue 1
Prevalence and associated factors for mandibular Premolar impaction in various malocclusions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
Management of Oral Lichen Planus Based on the Existing Clinical Practice Guidelines. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology. Volume 32 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ July-September 2020
A Case Report Of Chronic Ulceration. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Apr - Jun 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue 2
Prevalence of smoker’s palate and smoker’s melanosis among patients visiting a private dental college. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020, 11 (SPL3), 402-407
Prevalence of Habitual Smoking and Alcoholism in Chennai Population. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jul - Dec 2020 | Vol 12, Supplementary Issue 2
PREVALENCE OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DISORDERS AMONG PATIENTS VISITING A PRIVATE DENTAL INSTITUTION International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Volume 24, Issue 1, 2020. February. 7065-7074
ASSOCIATION OF GENDER AND BONE DENSITY – A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Volume 24, Issue 1, 2020 February, 6971-6982
Assessment of factors affecting parent’s preference of general anesthesia for performing pedodontic procedures in a university hospital set up. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020, 2020, 11 (SPL3), 915-922
Patient reporting for anterior tooth alignment during ugly Duckling stage - A mishap International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020, 2020, 11 (SPL3), 1202-1207
Prevalence of gingivitis among pregnant and non-pregnant women International journal of psychosocial rehabilitation, vol. 24, issue 01, 2020 JAN|
Prevalance of different types of keratosis in patients in university setting. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 2020, Volume-14, Issue-4
Assessment of types of finish lines in tooth preparation- An observational study. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 2020, Volume-14, Issue-4
Assessment of partial edentulism based on kennedy’s class III classification. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 2020, Volume-14, Issue-4
Prevalance of vesiculobullous lesions: A hospital basedretrospective study. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 2020, Volume-14, Issue-4
Association Between Tobacco Dependence and Quit Rate. International journal of research in pharmaceutical sciences 11 (SPL3), 1477-1482
Prevalence of Mandibular Anterior Teeth Crowding in Mixed Dentition Subjects Reporting to a University Hospital in Chennai City. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) Special Issue on: Dental Abnormalities and Oral Health.
RADIOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF OSSEOUS CHANGES IN ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOM. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine ISSN 2515-8260, 2020
Prevalence of Candidiasis in Chennai Population. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) Special Issue on: Dental Abnormalities and Oral Health.
Digital Cephalometric Analysis of Pharyngeal Airway Space Changes in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients: A Cross Sectional Observational Study Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine & Radiology
Association between failed root canal treatment and systemic diseases JOURNAL OF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE RESEARCH, 2020 VOL 11, NO. 4
Prevalence of proximal caries in the posterior teeth in patients visiting a dental college JOURNAL OF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE RESEARCH, 2020 VOL 11, NO. 3
Prevalence of Chronic Gingivitis in Adolescents with Moderate Crowding of Dental Arches JOURNAL OF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE RESEARCH, 2020 VOL 11, NO. 3
Oral Status Of Pregnant Women - A Hospital Based Study International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) ISSN: 2377-8075
Assessment Of Satisfactory Levels among Female Complete Denture Patients International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) ISSN: 2377-8075
Prevalence of pericoronitis in impacted mandibular third molar: A Retrospective analysis of 86,000 patient records over nine months TEST, May – June 2020 ISSN: 0193 -4120 Page No. 29721 - 29730
Association Between Gender and Open Apex Among Patients Visiting A Private Dental College JOURNAL OF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE RESEARCH, 2020 VOL 11, NO. 4
Prevalence of Oral Carcinoma According to Age - A Hospital Based Study Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 24 • December 2020
Prevalence and Age Distribution of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma - A Retrospective Study Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 12 • Issue 24 • December 2020
Prevalence Of Homogenous And Non Homogenous Leukoplakia In A Private Dental Hospital Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2020;S4:02:0016:88-92.
Prevalence of orofacial Pain among working adults - A Retrospective Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES
Evaluation Of Clinical Presentation Of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma In A Private Dental Institution International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) ISSN: 2377-8075
Dentition Status Of Outpatients Of Different Age Groups - An Observational Study International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS) ISSN: 2377-8075
Association Between Temporomandibular Joint Pain And Periodontitis In Patients With Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Visiting A Private Dental Institution- A Retrospective Study International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Prevalence of Trigeminal Neuralgia in Patients Reported to Private Dental Institution. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Assessment of Dental Management of Mentally Challenged Patients Treated in Special Care Dentistry in A Hospital Setting- Retrospective Study International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19): Dentists Perception towards the Pandemic: A Questionnaire Based study Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1, Page No: 267-273
Assessment of Gender Based Difference in Occurrence of Periodontal Diseases: A Retrospective Study Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021
The age of first dental visit -A retrospective study. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021
A case control study on the effect of Diabetes and Hypertension on oral health Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021
Association between Dietary behaviours and Dental Fluorosis- a Retrospective study Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021
Evaluation of the educational level and its influence on the success rate of complete denture Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021
Reasons for extraction of permanent teeth - An institutional study Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government Vol. 27, No. 2, 2021
Effectiveness of Antioxidants in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Retrospective Study. Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research2021; 11:239-245
Pulpectomy Performed in Children between the Age Group of 5 to 10 Years: A Retrospective Study. Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research2021; 11: 205-212
Association Of Socioeconomic Status With Oral Hygiene Status And Periodontal Status Among Pa tients Attending Private Dental College - A Retrospective Analysis
Mucocutaneous Pemphigus Vegetans‐A Rare Case Report
Assessment of Prevalent clinical findings in patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Food Intake Of Patients With Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis In Indian Population - A Case Control Study
Prevalence Herpes Labialis among South Indian Population: an Institutional Study
Prevalence Of Benign Migratory Glossitis In Patients Visiting A Private Dental College In Chennai
Prevalence of Burning Mouth Syndrome(Bms) in Patients Visiting a Private Dental College in Chennai
Prevalence of Oral Submucous Fibrosis (Osmf) Among Patients Visiting an Institutional Hospital Set Up
Dr.Deepika Rajendran
1. Faulty radiography : A cross sectional analysis among dental college students in national district, Tanilnadu, India. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences, 2016;8:S116-8.
2. Comparative evaluation of lip prints among Indian and African student. The Saudi Journal of Forensic Medicine and Sciences 2018;1:14-8.
3. Knowledge and attitude towards CBCT among dental students in western Tamilnadu-A Cross sectional study. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 2018;4(3), 230 - 233.
4. The Effect Of Smoking on the Healing of Extraction Socket - A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science, 2019;S4:02:002:6-9.
5. Analysis of pretreatment and post treatment pain using visual analog scale in Temporomandibular joint disorders. International journal of psychosocial rehabilitation, 2020; 24(3) :6228-36.
6. Prevalence of Dental Caries in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020; 11 (SPL3), 724-728.
7. Association Between Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Usage Of Computer Keyboard And Mouse In Young, Adult And Middle-Aged Female Information Technology Professionals – A Survey Based Analysis. International journal of pharmaceutical research ,2020;12(2):886-95.
8. Prevalence of Gingivitis in Women during Postmenopausal Period. International journal of pharmaceutical research,2020; 12(2):1736-41.
9. Oral hygiene status of women in the age group of 30 - 35 years. International journal of pharmaceutical research,2020; 12(2):1742-47.
10. Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Among Fixed Partial Denture Patients Treated by Undergraduates - A Teaching Hospital Based Retrospective Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2020; 12(2):2481-89.
12. CBCT IMAGING IN ASSESSING IMPACTED THIRD MOLARS . European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020;7(1):1776-85.
14. Parents Concern Regarding Dental Treatment for Children During COVID-19 - A Survey. International Journal of Current Research and Review, 2020; 12(9): S74-83
15. Analysis of Panoramic Images of Orthodontic Patients. International journal of research in pharmaceutical sciences, 2020; 11(spl3):1750-54.
16. Assessment of working length of root canal in mandibular first primary molar in children aged between 2 to 6 years . Indian journal of forensic medicine and toxicology, 2020; 14(4):4669-77.
17. Analysis of various treatment modalities of herpetic lesions. International journal of research in pharmaceutical sciences,2020;11(spl3):1830-36.
18. Complete blood count as a diagnostic marker in oral lichen planus, International journal of research in pharmaceutical sciences, 2020;11(spl3): 1766-71.
19. ORAL LICHEN PLANUS AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH DIABETES MELLITUS - A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020;7(1):945-54.
22. Knowledge, Attitude and Perspective on Management of Medical Emergencies Among Undergraduate Dental Students . JOURNAL OF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE RESEARCH, 2020; 11(2):212-26.
23. Evaluation of Osseous Changes in Oral Carcinoma - 2D Vs 3D Imaging. International Journal of Current Research and Review, 2020;12(24):S90-100.
26. Retrospective Study of the Prevalence of Dry Socket in Patients with Mandibular Third Molar Extraction.World Journal of Dentistry, 2020; 11(5):425-30.
27. Prevalence of oral potentially malignant disorders among adult population: A retrospective study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES.
29. ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA SMOKING AND ALCOHOL HABITS IN PATIENTS. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020; 7(1): 1211-20.
30. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) Associated With Various Forms Of Tobacco Usage. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science, 2020;S4:02:0018:93-97.
31. Analysis Of Periodontal Status Among Smokers And Non-Smokers - A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science, 2021;8(6):2894- 99.
32. Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease. Annals of R.S.C.B, 2021; 25(3):1373-85.
33. Correlation between cardiovascular diseases and periodontitis - a retrospective study. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 2021; 27(2): 2336-44.
34. A Retrospective Study On Evaluation Of Patients With Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021; 13(1):1822-30.
35. Awareness And Knowledge About Pharmacotherapy Of Angular Cheilitis Among Ug Dental Students In Private Dental College Chennai. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021; 13(1):1811-21.
36. Prevalence of various removable functional appliances - an institutional set up. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 2021;27(2): 2361-68.
37. Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of Oral Lichen Planus - A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021; 13(1):1504-11.
38. Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Among Undergraduate Dental Students On Prescription Of Antibiotics In Dentoalveolar Abscess - A Survey . International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021;13(1):1607-15.
39. Comparison of two methods in estimating the relation between dental age and chronological age. Journal of Indian academy of oral Medicine and Radiology, 2021;33(3):233-347.
40. Neuropathic Pain Management in a Tertiary Care Oral Medicine Unit. International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science, 2021; 8(8):4010-4015.
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5. Sitaraman P, Muthukrishnan A. Prevalence and Length of Anterior Loop of Inferior Alveolar Nerve. Ind Jour of Publ Health Rese & Develop. 2019;10(11):3504. DOI: 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.04127.5
6. Sitaraman P, Shanmugasundaram K, Muthukrishnan A. Assessment of service quality in special care dentistry department using SERVQUAL model. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2020;32:209-15. DOI: 10.4103/jiaomr.jiaomr_69_20
7. Sitaraman, Prasanthi & Muthukrishnan, Arvind. (2020). Marfan syndrome -A case report. Drug Invention Today. 13. 28-30.
8. Sitaraman, Prasanthi & Muthukrishnan, Arvind. (2020). Validation of Oral Disease Severity Scale (ODSS) In Oral Lichen Planus. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. 9. 10.31032/IJBPAS/2020/9.11.5291.
9. Sitaraman, Prasanthi & Muthukrishnan, Arvind. (2020). A Comparison Of Bleeding Related To Dental Treatment In Patients With Thromboembolic Disorders Taking Two Groups Of Oral Anticoagulants - A Systematic Review. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. 9. 10.31032/IJBPAS/2020/9.11.5294.
10. Sitaraman, Prasanthi & Muthukrishnan, Arvind. (2020). Prevalence of Accessory Canals in Mandible – A Retrospective Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Study. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. 9. 10.31032/IJBPAS/2020/9.11.5324.
11. Sitaraman, Prasanthi & Muthukrishnan, Arvind. (2020). Xerostomia and dental caries – A marker for underlying autoimmune disorder. Drug Invention Today. 14(2). 2222-2225.
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Dr.Lokesh Kumar.S
1. Naik Z, Kumar SL, Bagewadi AS, Keluskar V. Piloting of “blended learning”- An innovative educational intervention in Oral Medicine and Radiology. Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology. 2022 Jan 1;34(1):100.
2. Mamadapur R, Naik Z, Kumar SL, Bagewadi A. Comparative efficacy of topical coconut cream and clobetasol propionate ointment for the management of oral lichen planus: A double-blinded randomized control trial. Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2022 Mar 1;54(2):84.
3. Panwar, A., Keluskar, V., Charantimath, S., Kumar SL., Sridhar M., Jayapriya T. Bilateral elongated styloid process (eagle’s syndrome) - a case report and short review. Acta Oto-laryngological Case Reports. 2022;7(1)33-38.
4. Panwar, A., Keluskar, V., Kumar, S. L., Sridhar, M. A Rare Case of Oral Field Cancerization Due to Nutritional Deficiency with an Update on Current Concepts. Asian Oncology Research Journal. 2022;5(1)16-23.
5. Panwar, A., Keluskar, V., Verenkar, R., Kumar S. L., Sridhar, M. An Unusual Presentation of Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia: A Case Report with a Brief Literature Review. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports. 2022;15(3),19-23.
6. Panwar, A., Keluskar, V., Verenkar, R., Kumar S. L., Sridhar, M., Jayapriya, T., Revati, K., Stafne Bone Cyst in the Right Mandibular Angle Region: A case report with Literature Review. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports.2022;15(3),24-28.
1. Peripheral Cemento Ossifying Fibroma - A Case Report AL Saraswathi Gopal K, Sangavi R, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 15 (1), 1-3, 2021
2. Medical Emergencies in Dentistry-A Guide to a Successful Practise R Sangavi, M Kumar, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 13 (7), 387-392, 2021
4. Morphometric analysis of orbital aperture and frontal sinus using cone beam computed tomography as an aid in gender identification in forensic dentistry-a retrospective study
5. A Comparative study on Mandibular Nerve To Roots Of 3rd Molars, Vicinity of Mental Foramen and Prevalence of Anterior looping using CBCT in Urban Population- A Retrospective Study.SRVP Saraswathi Gopal. K World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals Sciences 9 (1), 641-651, 202
6. Antibacterial Activity of Ethanolic extract of Cinnamon against clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus R Sangavi, P Gopinath, A Kumar Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 12 (1), 259-261, 2019
8. Cellular senescence due to physical inactivity: A review S Ramesh, A Ramasubramanian, SP Selvam International Journal of Histopathological Interpretation 8 (1), 1, 2019
9. The fluctuation in Blood pressure at various physiological positions - A Review R Sangavi, International Journal of science and Research 7 (11), 1884 - 1888, 2018l
Dr.Sudheer Khan
1) M. Raaja Rajeshwari, Asad Syed, Ali H. Bahkali, Abdallah M. Elgorban, M. Kalil Rahiman, Rajender S. Varma, S. Sudheer Khan*, Enhanced photo-Fenton assisted photocatalytic degradation of atenolol using a novel rGO embedded double Z-scheme nano-heterojunction: Mechanism, kinetics and toxicity studies, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry xxx (xxxx) xxx. IF: 6.760 [SCI] [Elsevier]
2) M.K. Okla, V. Subhiksha, C. Akshhayya, S.S. Al-amri, I.A. Alaraidh, A.A. Al-ghamdi, W. Soufan, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, M. Aufy, C.R. Studenikd, S. Sudheer Khan*, In situ construction of ZnFe2O4 nanospheres on CoO nanosheets for durable photodegradation of organics: kinetics and mechanistic insights, New Journal of Chemistry xxx (2022) xxx. IF: 3.925 [SCI] [RSC]
3) S. Swetha, M.K. Okla, S.S. Al-amri, I.A. Alaraidh, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, M. Aufy, C.R. Studenik, S. Sudheer Khan*, Novel insight on chemo-specific detection of toxic environmental chromium residues existing as recalcitrant Cr(III)-carboxyl complexes using plasmonic silver nanoplatform bi-functionalized with citrate and PVP, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 284 (2023) 121789. IF: 4.831 [SCI][Elsevier]
4) B. Janani, M.K. Okla, B. Brindha, T.M. Dawoud, I.A. Alaraidh, W. Soufan, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, M. Aufy, C.R. Studenik, S. Sudheer Khan*, Pharmaceuticals removal by synergistic adsorption and S-scheme photocatalysis using nano-CeO2-coupled Fe3O4 on a CTAB matrix and investigation of the nanocomposite's antibacterial and antibiofilm activities: intrinsic degradation mechanism, New Journal of Chemistry 46 (2022) 16844-16857. IF: 3.925 [SCI] [RSC]
5) S. Balasurya, M.K. Okla, S.S. Al-amri, I.A. Alaraidh, A.A. Al-ghamdi, W. Soufan, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, R.F. Abdelaziz, C.R. Studenik, S. Sudheer Khan*, Subsurface and solid solution-type defect engineering in the CoCr2O4–Bi2WO4–NiS2 nanocomposite for the visible-light degradation of doxycycline and removal of chromium and its genotoxic evaluation in Allium cepa, New Journal of Chemistry 46 (2022) 16771-16780. IF: 3.925 [SCI] [RSC]
6) G. Harini, Asad Syed, M. Kalil Rahiman, A.H. Bahkali, A.M. Elgorban, Rajender S. Varma, S. Sudheer Khan*, Enhanced photodegradation of rifampicin and co-trimoxazole by ZnO/ZnMn2O4/ZnS-PVA and its genotoxicity studies on Allium cepa, Chemosphere 308 (2022) 136238.
7) M.K. Okla, B. Janani, S. Swetha, A.A. Alatar, I.A. Alaraidh, A.A. Al-ghamdi, R.F. Abdelaziz, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, M. Kalil Rahiman, S. Sudheer Khan*, Environmental friendly nano-star CdS coupled ZnS on bi-polymer matrix: Unravelling defects-rich nanoplatform for ultrahigh white light active direct S-scheme photodegradation of organic pollutants, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 925 (2022) 166611. IF: 6.371 [SCI] [Elsevier]
8) B. Harikumar, S. Kokilavani, S. Sudheer Khan*, Magnetically separable N/S doped Fe3O4 embedded on MoO3nanorods for photodegradation of cefixime, Cr(VI) reduction, and its genotoxicity study, Chemical Engineering Journal 446 (2022) 137273. IF: 16.744 [SCI] [Elsevier]
9) S. Balasuryaa, M.K. Okla, I.A. Alaraidh, A.A. Al-ghamdi, A. Mohebaldin, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, R.F. Abdelaziz, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Sunlit photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutant byNiCr2O4/Bi2S3/Cr2S3 tracheid skeleton nanocomposite: Mechanism, pathway, reactive sites, genotoxicity and byproduct toxicity evaluation, Journal of Environmental Management 319 (2022) 115674. IF: 8.910 [SCI] [Elsevier]
10) M. Swedha, M.K. Okla, S.S. Al-amri, I.A. Alaraidh, A.A. Al-ghamdi, A. Mohebaldin, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, M. Aufy, C.R. Studenik, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Green synthesis of two-electron centre based ZnO/NiCo2S4 QDs-OVs using Punica granatum fruit peel extract for an exceptional visible light photocatalytic degradation of doxycycline and ciprofloxacin, Chemosphere 304 (2022) 135225. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
11) M. Swedha, A.A. Alatar, M.K. Okla, I.A. Alaraidh, A. Mohebaldin, M. Aufy, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, S. Sudheer Khan*, Graphitic carbon nitride embedded Ni3(VO4)2/ZnCr2O4 Z-scheme photocatalyst for efficient degradation of p-chlorophenol and 5-fluorouracil, and genotoxic evaluation in Allium cepa. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 112 (2022) 244–257. IF: 6.760 [SCI] [Elsevier]
12) V. Subhiksha, A.A. Alatar, M.K. Okla, I.A. Alaraidh, A. Mohebaldin, M. Aufy, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Double Z-Scheme ZnCo2O4/MnO2/FeS2 photocatalyst with enhanced photodegradation of organic compound: Insights into mechanisms, kinetics, pathway and toxicity studies, Chemosphere 303 (2022) 135177. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
13) B. Harikumar, M.K. Okla, I.A. Alaraidh, A. Mohebaldin, W. Soufan, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, M. Aufy, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Robust visible light active CoNiO2–BiFeO3–NiS ternary nanocomposite for photo-fenton degradation of rhodamine B and methyl orange: Kinetics, degradation pathway and end products toxicity assessment, Journal of Environmental Management 317 (2022) 115321. IF: 8.910 [SCI] [Elsevier]
14) G. Harini, M.K. Okla, I.A. Alaraidh, A. Mohebaldin, A.A. Al-ghamdi, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, R.F. Abdelaziz, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Sunlit expeditious visible light-mediated photo-fenton degradation of ciprofloxacin by exfoliation of NiCo2O4 and Zn0⋅3Fe2⋅7O4 over g-C3N4 matrix: A brief insight on degradation mechanism, degraded product toxicity, and genotoxic evaluation in Allium cepa, Chemosphere 303 (2022) 134963. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
15) M.K. Okla, S. Balasurya, I.A. Alaraidh, A. Mohebaldin, A.A. Al-ghamdi, M.A. Al-okla, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, R.F. Abdelaziz, W. Soufan, R. Balakrishnaraja, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Plasma-assisted in-situ preparation of L-cystine functionalized silver nanoparticle: An intelligent multicolor nano-sensing of cadmium and paracetamol from environmental sample, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 279 (2022) 121330. IF: 4.831 [SCI] [Elsevier]
16) V. Subhiksha, M.K. Okla, I.A. Alaraidh, A. Mohebaldin, W. Soufan, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, R.F. Abdelaziz, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, A prominent dual heterojunction framed CuWO4/Bi2WO6/MnS ternary NCs for para-chlorophenol degradation, Cr(VI) reduction & toxicity studies, Chemosphere 302 (2022) 134802. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
17) B. Harikumar, S. Sudheer Khan*, Hierarchical construction of ZrO2/CaCr2O4/BiOIO3 ternary photocatalyst: photodegradation of antibiotics, degradation pathway, toxicity assessment, and genotoxicity studies, Chemical Engineering Journal 442 (2022) 136107. IF: 16.744 [SCI] [Elsevier]
18) C. Akshhayya, M.K. Okla, W.H. Al-Qahtani, M. Raaja Rajeshwari, A. Mohebaldin, Y.A. Alwasel, W. Soufan, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Novel ZnFe2O4 decorated on ZnO nanorod: Synergistic photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline, kinetics, degradation pathway and antifungal activity, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (2022) 107673. IF: 7.968 [SCI] [Elsevier]
19) P. R. Sivaranjani, B. Janani, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Recent development in MoS2-based nano-photocatalyst for the degradation of pharmaceutical active compounds, Journal of Cleaner Production 352 (2022) 131506. IF: 11.072 [SCI] [Elsevier]
20) B. Harikumar, M.K. Okla, I.A. Alaraidh, A. Mohebaldin, W. Soufan, A.A. AL-ghamdi, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Nano Ag0 decorated-silica matrix for the remediation of environmental pollutants: Visible-light driven Cr(VI) photoreduction, photodegradation of organic dye, nanomolar Hg2+ detection, and antimicrobial applications, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 134 (2022) 104315. IF: 5.477 [SCI] [Elsevier]
21) S. Kokilavani, I.A. Alaraidh, P. Chandran, M.K. Okla, A. Mohebaldin, W. Soufan, A.A. AL-ghamdi, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Efficient photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange and malachite green by Ag3PO4 decorated BiOBr nanoflower under visible light: Performance evaluation, mechanism insights and toxicology of the by-products, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 909 (2022) 164703. IF: 6.371 [SCI] [Elsevier]
22) S. Balasurya, M.K. Okla, W. Soufan, A.A. AL-ghamdi, S.R. Ahamad, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Photodegradation of 5-flurouracil, carvedilol, para-chlorophenol and methimazole with 3D MnWO4 nanoflower modified Ag2WO4 nanorods: A non-genotoxic nanomaterial for water treatment, Chemosphere 297 (2022) 134130. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
23) G. Harini, S. Balasurya, S. Sudheer Khan*, Recent advances on gadolinium-based nano-photocatalysts for environmental remediation and clean energy production: Properties, fabrication, defect engineering and toxicity, Journal of Cleaner Production 345 (2022) 131139. IF: 11.072 [SCI] [Elsevier]
24) B. Janani, M.K. Okla, S.S. Al-Amri, A. Mohebaldin, Y.A. Alwasel, H. AbdElgawad, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Designing novel MgFe2O4 coupled V2O5 nanorod for synergetic photodegradation of tetracycline with enhanced visible-light energy harvesting: Photoluminescence, kinetics, intrinsic mechanism and bactericidal effect, Chemosphere 296 (2022) 134012. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
25) B. Janani, S.S. Al-amri, M.K. Okla, A. Mohebaldin, W. Soufan, B. Almunqedhi, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju S. Sudheer Khan*, High performing p-n system of CaFe2O4 coupled ZnO for synergetic degradation of Rhodamine B with white-light photocatalysis and bactericidal action, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 133 (2022) 104271. IF: 5.477 [SCI] [Elsevier]
26) M. Swedha, S. Balasurya, A. Syed, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Continuous photocatalysis via Z-scheme based nanocatalyst system for environmental remediation of pharmaceutically active compound: Modification, reaction site, defect engineering and challenges on the nanocatalyst, Journal of Molecular Liquids 353 (2022) 118745. IF: 6.633[SCI] [Elsevier]
27) M.K. Okla, G. Harini, T.M. Dawoud, C. Akshhayya, A. Mohebaldin, A.A. AL-ghamdi, W. Soufan, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Fabrication of MnFe2O4 spheres modified CeO2 nano-flakes for sustainable photodegradation of MB dye and antimicrobial activity: A brief computational investigation on reactive sites and degradation pathway, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 641 (2022) 128566. IF: 5.518 [SCI] [Elsevier]
28) S. Balasurya, M.K. Okla, A. Mohebaldin, A.A. AL-ghamdi, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, B. Almuqedhi, H. AbdElgawad, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Self-assembling of 3D layered flower architecture of BiOI modified MgCr2O4 nanosphere for wider spectrum visible-light photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B and malachite green: Mechanism, pathway, reactive sites and toxicity prediction, Journal of Environmental Management 308 (2022) 114614. IF: 8.910 [SCI] [Elsevier]
29) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, A.M. Elgorban, A.H. Bahkali, H.A. AL-Shwaiman, R.S. Varma, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Designing Z-scheme AgIO4 nanorod embedded with Bi2S3 nanoflakes for expeditious visible light photodegradation of congo red and rhodamine B, Chemosphere 294 (2022) 133755. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
30) H.A. AL-Shwaiman, C. Akshhayya, A. Syed, A.H. Bahkali, A.M. Elgorban, A. Das, R.S. Varma, S. Sudheer Khan*, Fabrication of intimately coupled CeO2/ZnFe2O4 nano-heterojunction for visible-light photocatalysis and bactericidal application, Materials Chemistry and Physics 279 (2022) 125759. IF: 4.778 [SCI] [Elsevier]
31) M.K. Okla, S. Kokilavani, A. Mohebaldin, A.M. Thomas, W. Soufan, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Ag decorated CoO NPs supported on chitosan matrix for colorimetric detection of L-cysteine, antibacterial application and photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium ions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 640 (2022) 128318. IF: 5.518 [SCI] [Elsevier]
32) C. Akshhayya, M.K. Okla, A. Mohebaldin, A.A. AL-ghamdi, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, H. AbdElgawad, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, S. Sudheer Khan*, Synthesis of novel p-n heterojunction by the decoration of CuFe2O4 on ZnO nanorod: Characterization, enhanced visible light driven photocatalytic activity and intrinsic mechanism, Surfaces and Interfaces 29 (2022) 101726. IF: 6.137 [SCI] [Elsevier]
33) B. Janani, M.K. Okla, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, W.H. Al-Qahtani, S.Sudheer Khan*, CuO loaded ZnS nanoflower entrapped on PVA-chitosan matrix for boosted visible light photocatalysis for tetracycline degradation and anti-bacterial application, Journal of Environmental Management 306 (2022) 114396. IF: 8.910 [SCI] [Elsevier]
34) W.H. Al-Qahtani, S. Balasurya, M.K. Okla, M.A. Abdel-maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, A.A. Al-ghamdi, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Synthesis and application of CdS nanoparticles-decorated core-shell Ag@Ni nanohybrids for visible-light spectrophotometric assay of sulfide in aqueous sample, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 270 (2022) 120793. IF: 4.831 [SCI] [Elsevier]
35) S. Balasurya, M.K. Okla, M.A. Abdel-maksoud, S. RAhamad, F. Almasoud, H. AbdElgawad, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Fabrication of Ag-ZnCo2O4 framework on chitosan matrix for discriminative dual mode detection of S2- ions and cysteine, and cyto-toxicological evaluation, Journal of Molecular Liquids 347 (2022) 118356. IF: 6.633 [SCI] [Elsevier]
36) S. Swetha, B. Janani, S. Sudheer Khan*, A critical review on the development of metal-organic frameworks for boosting photocatalysis in the fields of energy and environment, Journal of Cleaner Production 333 (2022) 130164. IF: 11.072 [SCI] [Elsevier]
37) M. Raaja Rajeshwari, S. Kokilavani, S. Sudheer Khan*, Recent developments in architecturing the g-C3N4 based nanostructured photocatalysts: Synthesis, modifications and applications in water treatment, Chemosphere 291 (2022) 132735. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
38) V. Subhiksha, S. Kokilavani, S. Sudheer Khan*, Recent advances in degradation of organic pollutant in aqueous solutions using bismuth based photocatalysts: A review, Chemosphere 290 (2022) 133228. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
39) B. Janani, A. Syed, L.L. Raju, A.H. Bahkali, S. Al-Rashed, A.M. Elgorban, B. Ahmed, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Designing intimate porous Al2O3 decorated 2D CdO nano-heterojunction as enhanced white light driven photocatalyst and antibacterial agent, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 896 (2022) 162807. IF: 6.371 [SCI] [Elsevier]
40) C. Akshhayya, M.K. Okla, A.M. Thomas, A.A. AL-ghamdi, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, B. Almunqedhi, H. AbdElgawad, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Insights into photocatalytic mechanism for the rational design of p-n heterojunction by decorating mesoporous SnS2 over ZnFe2O4 nanocomposite for accelerated visible light photocatalysis, Materials Chemistry and Physics 277 (2022) 125464. IF: 4.778 [SCI] [Elsevier]
41) M.K. Okla, B. Janani, A.A. AL-ghamdi, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Facile construction of 3D CdS-Ag2S nanospheres: A combined study of visible light responsive phtotocatalysis, antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 632 (2022) 127729. IF: 5.518 [SCI] [Elsevier]
42) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, A. M. Thomas, A.M. Elgorban, A.H. Bahkali, N.S.S. Zaghloul, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Ag0 decorated Cr2S3 NPs embedded on PVP matrix: A colorimetric probe for selective and rapid detection of sulphide ions from environmental samples, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 264 (2022) 120253. IF: 4.831 [SCI] [Elsevier]
43) K. Akhil, A. Syed, A.M. Elgorban, A.H. Bahkali, S. Sudheer Khan*, The toxicity analysis of PVP, PVA and PEG surface functionalized ZnO nanoparticles on embryonic as well as adult Danio rerio, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193 (2021) 824. IF: 3.307 [SCI] [Springer]
44) B. Harikumar, M.K. Okla, M.A. Abdel-maksoud, W.H. Al-Qahtani, H. AbdElgawad, M.S. Altukhayfi, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Chitosan capped Ag/NiS nanocomposites: A novel colorimetric probe for detection of L-cysteine at nanomolar level and its anti-microbial activity, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 193 (2021) 2054–2061. IF: 8.025 [SCI] [Elsevier]
45) C. Akshhayya, M.K. Okla, A.A. AL-ghamdi, M.A. Abdel-Maksoud, H. AbdElgawad, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Construction of S-scheme heterojunction CuFe2O4/α-MnO2 with tuned bandgap for enhanced white light harvesting: Insights of photoluminescence, Raman scattering and photocatalysis, Surfaces and Interfaces 27 (2021) 101523. IF: 6.137 [SCI] [Elsevier]
46) L. Sruthi, B. Janani, S. Sudheer Khan*, Ibuprofen removal from aqueous solution via light-harvesting photocatalysis by nano-heterojunctions: A review, Separation and Purification Technology 279 (2021) 119709. IF: 9.136 [SCI] [Elsevier]
47) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, M. Raaja Rajeshwari, V. Subhiksha, A.M. Elgorban, A.H. Bahkali, N.S.S. Zaghloul, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Decoration of Ag2WO4 on plate-like MnS for mitigating the charge recombination and tuned bandgap for enhanced white light photocatalysis and antibacterial applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 889 (2021) 161662. IF: 6.371 [SCI] [Elsevier]
48) B. Janani, S. Swetha, A. Syed, A.M. Elgorban, N.S.S. Zaghloul, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Spinel FeV2O4 coupling on nanocube-like Bi2O3 for high performance white light photocatalysis and antibacterial applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 887 (2021) 161432. IF: 6.371 [SCI] [Elsevier]
49) B. Janani, A. Syed, L. Sruthi, P.R. Sivaranjani, A.M. Elgorban, A.H. Bahkali, N.S.S. Zaghloul, M.M. Badawy, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Visible light driven photocatalytic activity and efficient antibacterial activity of ZnFe2O4decorated CdO nanohybrid heterostructures synthesized by ultrasonic-assisted method, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 628 (2021) 127307. IF: 5.518 [SCI] [Elsevier]
50) B. Janani, A. Syed, B. Harikumar, A.M. Elgorban, A.H. Bahkali, B. Ahmed, A.Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, High performance MnO2–Al2O3 nanocomposite as white light photocatalyst and bactericidal agent: Insights on photoluminescence and intrinsic mechanism, Optical Materials 120 (2021) 111438. IF: 3.754 [SCI] [Elsevier]
51) S. Balasurya, A. Syed, M. Swedha, G. Harini, A.M. Elgorban, N.S. S. Zaghloul, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, A novel SPR based Fe@Ag core-shell nanosphere entrapped on starch matrix an optical probe for sensing of mercury(II) ion: A nanomolar detection, wide pH range and real water sample application, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 263 (2021) 120204. IF: 4.831 [SCI] [Elsevier]
52) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, B. Harikumar, A.M. Elgorban, A.H. Bahkali, B. Ahmed, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Facile synthesis of MgS/Ag2MoO4 nanohybrid heterojunction: Outstanding visible light harvestingfor boosted photocatalytic degradation of MB and its anti-microbial applications, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 627 (2021) 127097. IF: 5.518 [SCI] [Elsevier]
53) S. Balasurya, S. Alfarraj, L.L. Raju, A. Chinnathambi, S.A. Alharbi, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Novel CoWO4-Ag2MoO4 NCs: Synthesis, enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation and its antimicrobial activity, Surfaces and Interfaces 25 (2021) 101237. IF: 6.137 [SCI] [Elsevier]
54) A. Chinnathambi, N. Omaima, S.A. Alharbi, S. Sudheer Khan*, Enhanced optoelectronic properties of multifunctional MnFe2O4 nanorods decorated Co3O4 nanoheterostructure: Photocatalytic activity and antibacterial behaviour, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 134 (2021) 105992. IF: 4.644 [SCI] [Elsevier]
55) S. Balasurya, A. Das, A.A. Alyousef, A. Alqasim, N. Almutairi, S. Sudheer Khan*, Facile synthesis of Bi2MoO6-Ag2MoO4 nanocomposite for the enhanced visible light photocatalytic removal of methylene blue and its antimicrobial application, Journal of Molecular Liquids 337 (2021) 116350. IF: 6.633 [SCI] [Elsevier]
56) B. Janani, A.A. Al-Kheraif, A.M. Thomas, A.Syed, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Construction of nano-heterojunction AgFeO2-ZnO for boosted photocatalytic performance and its antibacterial applications, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 133 (2021) 105924. IF: 4.644 [SCI] [Elsevier]
57) B. Janani, A. Syed, H.A. AL-Shwaiman, M.M. Al Khulaifi, A.M. Elgorban, S. Sudheer Khan*, Performance analysis of novel Bi6Cr2O15 coupled Co3O4 nanoheterostructure constructed by ultrasonic assisted method: Visible-light driven photocatalyst and antibacterial agent, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 622 (2021) 126671. IF: 5.518 [SCI] [Elsevier]
58) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, H.A. AL-Shwaimanb, M.M. Al Khulaifib, F.N. Almajdhi, A.M. Elgorban, S. Sudheer Khan*, Preparation of plasmonic CoS/Ag2WO4 nanocomposites: Efficient visible light driven photocatalysts and enhanced anti-microbial activity, Colloids and Interface Science Communications 42 (2021) 100415. IF: 5.633 [SCI] [Elsevier]
59) S. Kokilavani, A.A. Al-Kheraif, A.M. Thomas, A. Syed, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Novel NiS/Ag2MoO4 heterostructure nanocomposite: Synthesis, characterization and superior antibacterial and enhanced photocatalytic activity. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 133 (2021) 114767. IF: 3.369 [SCI] [Elsevier]
60) B. Janani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, S. Al-Rashed, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, A simple approach for the synthesis of bi-functional p-n type ZnO@CuFe2O4 heterojunction nanocomposite for photocatalytic and antimicrobial application, Physica E 130 (2021) 114664. IF: 3.369 [SCI] [Elsevier]
61) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, S. Al-Rashed, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Synthesis of novel heterostructured FeS2/Ag2MoO4: nanocomposite: Characterization, efficient antibacterial and enhanced visible light driven photocatalytic activity, Surfaces and Interfaces 23 (2021) 101003. IF: 6.137 [SCI] [Elsevier]
62) B. Janani, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, M.N. Alyemeni, G.A. Dudin, L. Wijaya, A.A. Alsahli, P. Ahmad, S. Sudheer Khan*, Impact of bovine serum albumin – A protein corona on toxicity of ZnO NPs in environmental model systems of plant, bacteria, algae and crustaceans, Chemosphere 270 (2021) 128629. IF: 8.943 [SCI] [Elsevier]
63) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, A.M. Elgorban, S. Al-Rashed, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Integrating Ag2WO4 on VS4 nanoplates with synergy of plasmonic photocatalysis and boosted visible-light harvesting and its antibacterial applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 865 (2021) 158810. IF: 6.371 [SCI] [Elsevier]
64) S. Kokilavani, F.A. Al-Misned, A.M. Thomas, H.A. El-Serehy, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Enhanced visible light driven photocatalytic and antibacterial activities of Ag2WO4 decorated ZnS nanocomposite, Ceramics International 47 (2021) 12997-13006. IF: 5.532 [SCI] [Elsevier]
65) S. Balasurya, A. Syed, L.L. Raju, S. Al-Rashed, A.M. Thomas, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Elucidation of photocatalysis, photoluminescence and antibacterial studies of Ag2MoO4 decorated NiMoO4 nano-heterostructure, Optical Materials 113 (2021) 110856. IF: 3.754 [SCI] [Elsevier]
66) B. Janani, A.M. Al-Mohaimeed, L.L. Raju, D.A. Al Farraj, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, Synthesis and characterizations of hybrid PEG-Fe3O4 nanoparticles for the efficient adsorptive removal of dye and antibacterial, and antibiofilm applications, Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 19 (2021) 389–400. IF: 3.433[SCI] [Springer]
67) B. Janani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, S. Al-Rashed, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Designing spinel NiCr2O4 loaded Bi2O3 semiconductor hybrid for mitigating the charge recombination and tuned band gap for enhanced white light photocatalysis and antibacterial applications, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 865 (2021) 158735. IF: 6.371 [SCI] [Elsevier]
68) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, A.M. Elgorban, A.H. Bahkali, N. Marraiki, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Development of multifunctional Cu sensitized Ag-dextran nanocomposite for selective and sensitive detection of mercury from environmental sample and evaluation of its photocatalytic and anti-microbial applications, Journal of Molecular Liquids 321 (2021) 114742. IF: 6.633 [SCI] [Elsevier]
69) S. Balasurya, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, N. Marraiki, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Development of silver-polyvinylpyrrolidone nanocomposite for the selective and sensitive detection of sulfide from aqueous sample and its antimicrobial activity. Materials Chemistry and Physics 257 (2021) 123789. IF: 4.778 [SCI] [Elsevier]
70) R. Janani, M. Rubashree, B. Harikumar, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Synthesis of CTAB functionalized MnS/PVP-Ag nanocomposite for Hg2+ detection, photocatalysis and antibacterial application, Optical Materials 110 (2020) 110452. IF: 3.754 [SCI] [Elsevier]
71) B. Janani, D.A. Al Farraj, L.L. Raju, M.S. Elshikh, N.A. Alkubaisi, A.M. Thomas, A.Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Cytotoxicological evaluation of copper oxide nanoparticles on green algae, bacteria and crustacean systems, Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 18 (2020) 1465–1472. IF: 3.433 [SCI] [Springer]
72) S. Balasurya, A.Syed, A.M. Thomas, A.H. Bahkali, S. Al-Rashed, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Preparation of Ag-cellulose nanocomposite for the selective detection and quantification of mercury at nanomolar level and the evaluation of its photocatalytic performance, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 164 (2020) 911–919. IF: 8.025 [SCI] [Elsevier]
73) B. Janani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, N. Marraiki, S. Al-Rashed, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Enhanced SPR signals based on methylenediphosphonic acid functionalized Ag NPs for the detection of Hg(II) in the presence of an antioxidant glutathione, Journal of Molecular Liquids 311 (2020) 113281. IF: 6.633 [SCI] [Elsevier]
74) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, N. Marraiki, S. Al-Rashed, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Polyethylene glycol functionalised Ag NPs based optical probe for the selective and sensitive detection of Hg(II), Journal of Molecular Liquids 307 (2020) 112978. IF: 6.633 [SCI] [Elsevier]
75) S. Balasurya, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, N. Marraiki, S. Al-Rashed, A.M. Elgorbanb, L.L. Rajud, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Colorimetric detection of mercury ions from environmental water sample by using 3-(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate functionalized Ag NPs-tryptophan nanoconjugate, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 207 (2020) 111888. IF: 6.814 [SCI] [Elsevier]
76) S. Balasurya, D.A. Al Farraj, A.M. Thomas, N.A. Alkubaisi, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Sensitive and robust colorimetric assay for the detection of Hg2+ at nanomolar level from real samples by TMPM functionalized Ag-Fe NCs and it's photocatalytic and antimicrobial activities, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104305. IF: 7.968 [SCI] [Elsevier]
77) S. Balasurya, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, A.H. Bahkali, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of arginine by polyvinylpyrrolidone functionalized silver nanoparticles, Journal of Molecular Liquids 300 (2020) 112361. IF: 6.633 [SCI] [Elsevier]
78) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, L.L. Raju, S. Al-Rashed, A.M. Elgorban, A.M. Thomas, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Citrate functionalized Ag NPs-polyethylene glycol nanocomposite for the sensitive and selective detection of mercury (II) ion, photocatalytic and antimicrobial applications, Physica E 124 (2020) 114335. IF: 3.369 [SCI] [Elsevier]
79) B. Janani, K.M. Alarjani, L.L. Raju, A.M. Thomas, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, A potentmultifunctional Ag/Co-polyvinylpyrrolidone nanocomposite for enhanced detection of Cr(III) from environmental samples and its photocatalytic and antibacterial applications, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 243 (2020) 118766. IF: 4.831 [SCI] [Elsevier]
80) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, L.L. Raju, N. Marraiki, S. Al-Rashed, A.M. Elgorban, A.M. Thomas, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Highly selective and sensitive tool for the detection of Hg(II) using 3-(Trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate functionalized Ag-Ce nanocomposite from real water sample, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 242 (2020) 118738. IF: 4.831 [SCI] [Elsevier]
81) S. Kokilavani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Facile synthesis of Ag/Cu-cellulose nanocomposite for detection, photocatalysis and anti-microbial applications, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 220 (2020) 165218. IF: 2.84 [SCI] [Elsevier]
82) B. Janani, A. Syed, L.L. Raju, N. Marraiki, A.M. Elgorban, N.S.S. Zaghloul, A.M. Thomas, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Highly selective and effective environmental mercuric ion detection method based on starch modified Ag NPs in presence of glycine, Optics Communications 465 (2020) 125564. IF: 2.335 [SCI] [Elsevier]
83) S. Balasurya, P. Ahmad, A.M. Thomas, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Rapid colorimetric and spectroscopy based sensing of mercury by surface functionalized silver nanoparticles in the presence of tyrosine, Optics Communications 464 (2020) 125512. IF: 2.335 [SCI] [Elsevier]
84) B. Janani, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, A.H. Bahkali, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, S. Sudheer Khan*, UV–vis spectroscopic method for the sensitive and selective detection of mercury by silver nanoparticles in presence of alanine, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 204 (2020) 164160. IF: 2.84 [SCI] [Elsevier]
85) B. Janani, G. Gayathri, A. Syed, L.L. Raju, N. Marraiki, A.M. Elgorban, A.M. Thomas, S. Sudheer Khan*, The effect of various capping agents on surface modifications of CdO NPs and the investigation of photocatalytic performance, Antibacterial and Anti-biofilm Activities, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 30 (2020) 1865–1876. IF: 3.518 [SCI] [Springer]
86) S. Balasurya, A. Syed, A.M. Thomas, N. Marraiki, A.M. Elgorban, L.L. Raju, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Rapid colorimetric detection of mercury using silver nanoparticles in the presence of methionine, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 228 (2020) 117712. IF: 4.831 [SCI] [Elsevier]
87) B. Janani, A. Syed, L.L. Raju, H.F. Al‑Harthi, A.M. Thomas, A. Das, S. Sudheer Khan*, Synthesis of carbon stabilized zinc oxide nanoparticles and evaluation of its photocatalytic, antibacterial and anti‑biofilm activities, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 30 (2020) 2279–2288. IF: 3.518 [SCI] [Springer]
88) K. Akhil, S. Sudheer Khan*, Effect of humic acid on the toxicity of bare and capped ZnO Nanoparticles on Bacterial, Algal and Crustacean systems, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 167 (2017) 136–149. IF: 6.814 [SCI] [Elsevier]
89) K. Akhil, J. Jayakumar, G. Gayathri, S. Sudheer Khan*, Effect of various capping agents on photocatalytic, antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of ZnO nanoparticles, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 160 (2016) 32–42. IF: 6.814 [SCI] [Elsevier]
90) S. Sudheer Khan*, S.S. Ghouse, P. Chandran, Toxic effect of environmentally relevant concentration of silver nanoparticles on environmentally beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas putida, Bioprocess and Biosystem Engineering 38 (2015) 1243–1249. IF: 3.434 [SCI] [Springer]
91) E. Jagadeesh, B. Khan, P. Chandran, S. Sudheer Khan*, Toxic potential of iron oxide, CdS/Ag2S composite, CdS and Ag2S NPs on a fresh water alga Mougeotia sp., Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 125 (2015) 284–290. IF: 5.999 [SCI] [Elsevier]
92) S. Sudheer Khan*, Enhancement of visible light photocatalytic activity of CdO modified ZnO nanohybrid particles, Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 142 (2015) 1-7. IF: 6.814 [SCI] [Elsevier]
93) A. Alam, A. Ravindran, P. Chandran, S. Sudheer Khan*, Highly selective colorimetric detection and estimation of Hg2+ at nano-molar concentration by silver nanoparticles in the presence of glutathione, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 137 (2015) 503–508. IF: 4.831 [SCI] [Elsevier]
94) S. Sudheer Khan*, A. Arunarani, P. Chandran, Biodegradation of Basic Violet 3 and Acid Blue 93 by Pseudomonas putida, CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water 43 (2015) 67-72. IF: 2.404 [SCI] [Wiley]
95) N. Palanisamy, J. Ramya, S. Kumar, N.S. Vasanthi, P. Chandran, Sudheer Khan*, Diesel biodegradation capacities of indigenous bacterial species isolated from diesel contaminated soil, Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 12 (2014) 142. IF: 3.433 [SCI] [Springer]
96) P. Chandran, S. Netha, S. Sudheer Khan*, Effect of exopolysaccharides on photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 122 (2014) 611–616. IF: 5.999 [SCI] [Elsevier]
97) P. Chandran, P. Kumari, S. Sudheer Khan*, Photocatalytic activation of CdS NPs under visible light for environmental cleanup and disinfection, Solar Energy 105 (2014) 542–547. IF: 7.188 [SCI] [Elsevier]
98) P. Chandran, S. Netha, S. Sudheer Khan, Effect of humic acid on photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanoparticles, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 138 (2014) 155–159. IF: 6.814 [SCI] [Elsevier]
99) S.P. Dass, P.J. Shiny, S. Sudheer Khan, Amitava Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Toxic behavior of silver and zinc oxide nanoparticles on environmental bacterial species, Journal of Basic Microbiology 54 (2014) 916-27. IF: 2.650[SCI] [Wiley]
100) K. Deepa, P. Chandran, S. Sudheer Khan*, Bioremoval of Direct Red from aqueous solution by Pseudomonas putida and its adsorption isotherms and kinetics, Ecological Engineering 58 (2013) 207-213. IF: 4.379 [SCI] [Elsevier]
101) A. Ravindran, P. Chandran, S. Sudheer Khan, Biofunctionalized silver nanoparticles: Advances and prospects, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 105 (2013) 342-352. IF: 5.999 [SCI] [Elsevier]
102) N.P. Sasidharan, P. Chandran, S. Sudheer Khan*, Interaction of colloidal zinc oxide nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin and its adsorption isotherms and kinetics, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 195-201. IF: 5.999 [SCI] [Elsevier]
103) A. Arunarani, P. Chandran, B.V. Ranganathan, N.S. Vasanthi, S. Sudheer Khan*, Bioremoval of Basic Violet 3 and Acid Blue 93 by Pseudomonas putida MTCC 4910 and its adsorption isotherms and kinetics, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 102 (2013) 379-384. IF: 5.999 [SCI] [Elsevier]
104) S. Sudheer Khan, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Adsorptive removal of silver nanoparticles (SNPs) from aqueous solution by Aeromonas punctata and its adsorption isotherm and kinetics, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 92 (2012) 156-160. IF: 5.999 [SCI] [Elsevier]
105) G.P. Prajeesh, V.N. Anupama, A. Bhasi, Sudheer Khan, B. Krishnakumar, Degradation of Triclosan under aerobic, anoxic and anaerobic conditions, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 167 (2012) 1603-1612. IF: 3.095[SCI] [Springer]
106) S. Sudheer Khan, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Impact of exopolysaccharides on the stability of silver nanoparticles in water, Water Research 45 (2011) 5184-5190. IF: 13.4 [SCI] [Elsevier]
107) S. Sudheer Khan, P. Srivatsan, N. Vaishnavi, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Interaction of silver nanoparticles (SNPs) with bacterial extracellular proteins (ECP) and its adsorption isotherms and kinetics, Journal of Hazardous Materials 192 (2011) 299-306. IF: 14.224 [SCI] [Elsevier]
108) S. Sudheer Khan, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Studies on interaction of colloidal silver nanoparticles (SNPs) with five different bacterial species, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 87 (2011) 129-138. IF: 5.999[SCI] [Elsevier]
109) S. Sudheer Khan, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Interaction of colloidal silver nanoparticles (SNPs) with exopolysaccharides (EPS) and its adsorption isotherms and kinetics, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 381 (2011) 99-105. IF: 5.518 [SCI] [Elsevier]
110) M. Kumari, S. Sudheer Khan, S. Pakrashi, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Cytogenetic and genotoxic effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on root cells of Allium cepa, Journal of Hazardous Materials 190 (2011) 613-621. IF: 14.224 [SCI] [Elsevier]
111) Sudheer Khan, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Silver nanoparticles tolerant bacteria from sewage environment, Journal of Environmental sciences 23 (2011) 346-352. IF: 6.796 [SCI] [Elsevier]
112) S. Sudheer Khan, E. Bharath Kumar, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Bacterial tolerance to silver nanoparticles (SNPs): Aeromonas punctata isolated from sewage environment, Journal of Basic Microbiology 51 (2011) 183-190. IF: 2.650 [SCI] [Wiley].
113) C.H. Anjali, S. Sudheer Khan, K. Margulis-Goshen, S. Magdassi, A. Mukherjee, N. Chandrasekaran, Formulation of water-dispersible nanopermethrin for larvicidal applications, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (2010) 1932-1936. IF: 7.129 [SCI] [Elsevier].